chapter sixteen.

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"I swear, I'll walk you in, it's okay." Lucy was clinging onto Zayn's hand as we made our way to our flat. I lead the way, hoping to God that Carl was home.

But yet again, God didn't reply to my prayers. There in the car park was his grubby car, parked in the same place it was this morning. I make sure Zayn is still behind me as we climb the flights of stairs, finally reaching flat 23. I grab my key from my pocket, unlocking the door and trying to creep in.

"Rose!" Before I could even speak, I am engulfed in tight arms. He must've seen us coming in.

"Carl." My voice falters slightly, resting my head on his broad chest.

"Why have you come home so late." Carl frowned, releasing me.

"I-I-, Well- I was-"

"She was with me." Zayn butts in, stepping by my side.

"I see," Carl's eyes scanned Zayn like he was a mannequin, his eyes soon stopped on his hand which was held tightly by Lucy.

"Lucy, why are you holding hands with this stranger?" Carl's voice boomed, shaking my ear drums.

Lucy's eyes widened, surprised that she was addressed to by Carl. I give her a look which tells her not to be stupid, but she doesn't know, only being four, finally giving him an answer.

"He my other daddy, daddy."

"Other daddy?! Other daddy?" He begins to laugh loudly, causing Lucy to shake.

"He's not your daddy." He articulated, knowing full well Zayn was, judging by the way his eyebrows crumpled together.

"He is! Mummy say!" I look down at my feet immediately, knowing what was coming once the uninvited visitor left.

"That's enough, I'm sure it's past your bed time. Rose, babe. Go get her into bed and then we'll need to discuss a few things." He gives me a forced smile, shoving me towards Lucy.

"I'll lead Zayn down." I mumble, grabbing Zayn's sleeve and yank him out, Lucy silently following.

Once Carl was out of ear shot, Lucy begins to cry, hugging Zayn tightly at the knees and telling him she was scared. I on the other hand stayed still, watching her, wishing I could be her age, wishing it was okay for me to hug Zayn, tell him I was fearful for the next scenes that were beginning to unroll.

"He's going to hurt you, isn't he?" Zayn hushed, so only I could hear.

"N-no. I'll be okay. You get home, we'll see you tomorrow."

"Rosie, just please. Tell me whenever he hurts you. Just call me." He almost pleads, finally kneeling down and kissing Lucy's forehead, telling her a few hushed words before he left.

"Come on Lucy." I say, holding onto her clammy, tear soaked hand and gently bring her back into our flat and upstairs so she could go to bed.

"I love you." I smile weakly at my precious baby, kissing her just how she liked.

"I love you mummy, I sowwy."

"It's okay, you didn't know. I'll join you later okay? But don't wait for me, you go to sleep first."

"Okay mummy." I shut the door, my feet padding along the cold wooden floor as I knock then enter Carl's room. Sometimes, on "special occasions" as Carl would say, I was allowed to sleep in his bed at night, well, I wouldn't sleep at all. He would fück me senseless, and by the time I was settled and ready to sleep, I had to drag my aching bones out of bed and make breakfast for Carl and Lucy. In a nutshell, I hated sleeping here, I much rather preferred to sleep beside Lucy, cramped on the tiny bed with the thin sheet.

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