chapter three.

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"I thought you didn't know a Rose?" Niall squinted at me, his attempt of being a lie detector.

I shrug, placing the paper down, the boys all gaping at me.

"Call her!" They all managed to shout in unison, causing the small girl to jump suddenly in shock.

As I dialed in the number printed on the paper in black ball point, Harry decided to go lift the small girl whom we still didn't ask the name for. The line rings until I hear a voice, but it wasn't Her.

"Hello, to who are you asking for?" A loud booming voice echoes out of my phone, causing me to increase the distance away from the device.

"Rosemarie Matthews." I cup the mic, in hope of the boys not listening, my actions were unsuccessful, all eyes on me. All eyes including the gold, green pair.

"Zayn?" Fück. It wasn't an ordinary voice, it was Hers.


"Hey, you've probably met Lucy haven't you?"

"The small girl? Who is she?"

"Lucy, she's... She's your daughter."

"No she's not." I quickly snap back.

"Zayn! Don't you remember that night!"

"Of course I do! Our first time! I swear I did use protection!" The boys' heads all snapped, their eyes glued onto me.

"I think we were just lost in lust, it must've broke." Lust.

"Why is she here?" I ask her.

"I thought you would want to meet her."

"Where are you?"

"I'm- I'm -" Rose never stuttered, something was obviously wrong.

"I'm in prison." Her voice breaks. Prison?! What crime did she commit?

"Not for anything bad." Her voice was more quiet now, each of her words careful.

"I was caught stealing for Lu, I elbowed a man in the eye. I had a knife on me but I wasn't going to use it as a weapon! I swear! You have to look after Lucy for me, please. Once I'm out I'll take her away and you'll never have to see us. I know you don't want me in your life anymore, but I'm begging you. Just for Lucy. They don't know I have a daughter, if they find out she'll be taken away, just please. This one favour."

"I do want you in my life." I am shocked by my own words, my mind was fogging up.

"If you wanted me in your life you would've came back! You would've taken back your leather jacket! You could've supported me through my pregnancy Zayn! People cut the thorns off of their roses to make it perfect, they take out every imperfection to make things perfect-" She was sobbing, her voice shaking and trembling like my hands.

"Okay." I sigh, "I'll look after her,"

"Thank you, thank you so much."

"Anything for my Rosie." I tease, hearing a small giggle.

"Thanks Zayn, I lo- bye." Her voice rushes towards the end, the beeping tone showing her minutes had ran out. She was going to say I love you.

"Lucy!" I call, causing her face to look directly at me, she smiles widely, giggling as she ran over.

"Daddy?" She sounded unsure, my answer earlier probably lingering in her mind.

"Daddy." I confirm, as I knelt down, letting the small girl hug me tightly.

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