chapter fifty-three.

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"Morning Luce." I smile, placing her scrambled eggs on toast in front of her whilst digging into my own meal of the same food. We had a lot to do today, we had to visit the school that Lucy was to start going to, go to a cashpoint so that I could take some money out of the bank account where Zayn puts a generous amount of money for the two of us, and then do some shopping for the meals this week. I had spent last night writing out a meal plan for the two of us instead of sleeping, finding it difficult to squeeze anymore than four hours a night.

I helped her get ready whilst getting ready myself, putting on the small amounts of makeup that I had bought for myself knowing I had to look like a fully functioning adult whilst talking to the teachers.

I grab my bag and slip my feet into my shoes before we were out the flat, locking the door and making our way out. I rush Lucy telling her to hurry as we fast walked to the bus stop, giving us only two minutes before it arrived. Lucy enjoyed the bus journey, swinging her feet and pointing out things she found fascinating outside. She was even more happier when she could press the button, cheerfully thanking the bus driver when we got off.

"Okay Luce, you have to be on your best behaviour when we're talking to the teachers yeah? She nodded, smiling up at me as I leaned down to press a kiss on her head.


"How was it?" Zayn asked, my phone was pressed against my cheek and my shoulder as I compared the two packs of pasta, wondering why one was so much cheaper than the other.

"It was good, we're starting next Monday. We just need to get uniform."

"You have enough money on you, yeah?"

"Yeah, thank you."

The call ended once I gave him a brief summary of Lucy's health and week. He was currently away doing whatever he was doing. Planning Perrie and his wedding according to the tabloids. I frown when Lucy runs off when seeing the chocolate aisle, pushing the trolley faster to keep up with the overactive girl.

"Mummy look!" Lucy bounded over to me to show me the Kinder egg which had a surprise toy inside.

"Only because you were really good today." I tell her, allowing her to place the egg of chocolate into the trolley.

"Well look who it is! It's my saviour!" I turn round to see Xavier and Ben who also seemed to be doing their weekly shopping, however their trolley consisted of oven and microwave meals causing me to frown.

"Rose was it?" Ben smiled, making his way to envelope me into a hug. Wow he smells really, really good.

"Yeah. Hiya." I smile, giving them both a wave before looking down to see Lucy.

"This is my daughter, Lucy. Lucy this is Xavier and Ben. They live upstairs."

Lucy greeted them with a smile and a wave which they both do the same. I could see their surprised expression that someone so young had a child so old. I finally say bye and that I'll see them another time before we are going down the home aisle for washing liquid and laundry detergent. When I double checked I had everything we were queueing until I had swiped the card and we had bags and bags of food and essentials. Lucy is soon holding two bags and my arms were holding the rest, the weight of the bags were surely going to give me welts but as long as everything and everyone got to the flat okay I was okay. We made our way out the supermarket. It was a fifteen minute walk but because of the bags it would probably be twenty to twenty-five minutes.

"Shall we get a taxi? I'm sure I have enough for a taxi but that means no more luxury for this week." I tell Lucy, fumbling with the bags to find my phone.

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