chapter two.

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"Sorry lads, she just ran in!" He apologised, picking her up.

"Time to go back to mummy." He grinned, going to carry her out.

"No! My mummy sick! I need daddy!" She quickly exclaimed, attempting to wriggle away.

"Where's your daddy?" Harry asked, he loved children. We all sat up as we watched the small girl struggle.

Dark curls covered her head, her skin complexion tan like mine. She had surprisingly golden caramel eyes, reminding me quite like- no, it couldn't be. Yet those unique details, it had to be. That golden swirl of colours, mixed with that dark emerald green. I shake my head, ridding my thoughts. On her back was a Disney Princess backpack which looked crammed and worn out. Her eyes connected with mine, causing her eyes to widen.

"Daddy?" She questioned, making grabby hands towards me.

"Me? I'm not your daddy." I chuckle at her, she was adorable.

Pools of tears surfaced the caramel, it slowly melted, liquid full of emotions slowly making their way down her tan cheeks. I felt sympathy for the poor girl who lost her father, he must've passed away, the word sounding so foreign coming from her wet, pink lips. Her hands made more grabby hands towards me as she attempted to get out of Paul's strong grip.

"Wait, Paul! We can play with her for a bit right?" Harry asked with a small pout, something Paul could actually resist.

"No, her mother is waiting for her, probably worried sick that her daughter had run off!"

"Sweetie, where's your mummy?" Paul asked again.

"The big man take her away, she poorly."

"What's your mummy's name, maybe we're friends with her?" Harry suggested, as we all suddenly listened in, hope that this little girl wouldn't be alone and lost.

"Mummy name Rose." Love filled her small eyes as she pronounced her mothers name. She said it in adoration, like she was her world. As my mind settled back to what she said, the familiar twisting of the spike in my heart was felt. It couldn't be, no, it wouldn't be.

Memories of that night flashed throughout my mind. The sweat, the moans, the pleasure... The love. Thrusting at a slow, steady pace, throaty moans echoing around in those four walls. Hot naked bodies-

"Zayn!" My erotic thoughts are interrupted by the Irish lad beside me.

"So do you know anybody called Rose?"

"No." I lie.

"Well lets go find mummy then." Paul smiled at the small girl, carrying her away.

"No! Daddy!" She screamed, faster tears were racing down her cheeks as she kicked weakly at Paul's strong build.

Guilt and pain washed throughout me, but I ignored it. Getting close to this small girl would probably get me closer to Her. I didn't want that, She would spoil my plans with Perrie, She would make me crumble into nothing. The boys and I hear her deafening screams, echoing down the corridor as a door suddenly slammed, leaving us in silence.

"The poor girl, thinking you were her dad." Louis sighed.

"Yeah." I agreed, my mind was clouded with the face of that little girl, could she possible be? No.

The maths added up, that night was four years ago, the girl looked four. I shake my head, ridding my thoughts once more as I tug my jacket closer to me even though I was sweating from my over thinking and sudden shock from hearing that name. It was probably a coincident, a huge one that is. I stand up, stretching my limbs and stroking my unshaven chin, prickly hairs scratched against my touch as my thoughts were fogged by clouds, clouds filled with sorrow. My calloused fingers were brought up to my jet black hair, sweeping it back.

Suddenly, we hear Paul shout, small footsteps, echoed by heavier ones. The small girl runs in once more, her body colliding with my leg as she fell onto her bum. She looked at me, her face lighting up as she quickly stood up once more and hugged my leg. Her gold, green eyes were framed with dark, long lashes which fluttered shut as she gripped tightly onto me.

"Daddy." She beams, her grip tightening.

"She's a sly one." Paul laughs, coming and forcing her to release me.

"Daddy!" She screams once more, her hands quickly to try and grab me.

"I'm not your daddy." I repeat my words from earlier, enunciating each word carefully.

"You are! Mummy say you hair same as mine!" She grabs her hair in attempt to show me her black curls.

"Where is your mummy? How did you get here?" Liam asked.

"Mummy go to big house, mummy say I wait. She say find daddy and give him paper."

"Where's the paper?"

"My bag!"

"Paul, put her down so we can see this paper, maybe it's a letter."

The girl was placed on her scuffed trainers as she unzipped the princess bag, shuffling through many items. She finally hands me a small ripped piece of newspaper, a few words sprawled out. I squint to read the words that camouflaged into the columns of information about the world, finally managing to utter the words.

"Zayn, call me." Underneath was a number and the perfect curled writing, the words showing that name that I wouldn't dare repeat. The girl I broke a promise to, the girl who I never went back for, the girl I left alone.

The girl who left a thorn in my heart.

I hope you like this, it's out now so I'll be posting current updates(:

Can we get 20 votes please?

Twitter- Chamrock_Jack

Love you all!

~ Chamrockjack xox

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