chapter fifteen.

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"Mummy, what happen?" Lucy asked, looking up at me with a confused expression.

"I-I-" I look up at Zayn, his hand was still on my waist, his lips swollen from our previous actions.

"We need to go Luce." I finally say, removing myself from Zayn's hold and and grabbing Lucy's hand.

"Say goodbye to daddy." I tell her, making my way to the door.

Lucy waved at Zayn before I retreat to the door, tugging Lucy along with me. Lucy frowns up at me, eyes glossy. Before we could make it to the door, my wrist is being tugged back, my body falling into Zayn's chest. Lucy also falls, falling and hitting onto my legs, causing myself to lose balance and fall deeper into Zayn's hold.

"Stay for lunch, please." I feel myself melt from his chocolate stare, unwillingly nodding my head in a trance.

Zayn smiles, as if he knew that he had an effect on me, guiding me back to the sofa by steering me at the shoulders. I carry Lucy to the kitchen, watching Zayn bustle around the kitchen with ingredients and such.

"We're going to help." I state, not bothering to ask as I place Lucy on the counter beside the sink and we wash our hands.

"Alright." Zayn chuckled, explaining what to do to make the spaghetti sauce.

Lucy and I measure out the flour together, Lucy reading out the numbers for me as I tipped the flour.

"One, two one!" Lucy reads out, me nodding as I slowly pour more in.

I manage to drop quite a bit of flour on the floor, gasping as I fall onto my knees to try and retrieve it quickly. Why was I such a fück up? I hate being this clumsy. My fingers weakly grasp at the ingredient, in attempt to save it. I feel a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump back, my arms out in a defending stance.

"Rose, it's only flour." I scan his face, the calm demeanor surprising me.

"You're not going to hit me?" I strain, standing up slowly and observing his every move.

"No, it's just flour, honestly I can get it back."

"But you can't waste food!" I snap at him, watching him sweep it into the bin.

"People take food for granted you know?"

"I'm sorry." He frowned, dusting his hands.

"It's fine." I reply, washing the flour off of my hands.

"How about you both set the table while I finish the food?"

"Okay." I nod, going over to the drawer Zayn had pointed out and taking out three forks and knives.

I set the table, making sure it all looked presentable. I seat Lucy down on the chair, launching at how her nose was level with the table. She slides off, running to the living room and coming back with two cushions, claiming them as hers. I help Zayn with pouring the spaghetti, avoiding all eye contact. I didn't know if I was afraid of falling for him, or afraid that I couldn't fight the urge to kiss him again. Either way, I avoided those caramel orbs.

"Mummy love daddy now and daddy love mummy!" Lucy happily giggled, clanging her fork on her plate.

I freeze, daring to look up at Zayn and see his reaction. He smiled, resting a hand on Lucy's and nodding slightly. He loved me? He loved me! Before I could grin and lean over and kiss him, I realise that he was only lying for the sake of Lucy's going back to poking at the spaghetti.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Zayn asked, causing me to look up at him.

"No, I've told you." I reply, quite meekly.

"You're wasting food." He tells me, raising an eyebrow.

"Mummy say that naughty!" Lucy tells me, pointing with her smaller fork. It made me happy to see Zayn had bought so many children's cutlery for the short period of time that Lucy stayed here.

"How about you visit here everyday, then you can squeeze in a small meal and a fairly bigger one everyday?" Zayn asked, taking a sip from his glass of water.

"Y-you would do that?" My eyes widen, insides glowing. I mentally scold myself, telling the small girl to calm down and get a grip. This was only for Lucy, Zayn was engaged that was a huge commitment and I wasn't here to spoil it.

"Sure, anything to make up for the past four years," He takes a glance at Lucy who is also staring at me, waiting for an answer.

"Well, um- I guess, maybe we can." I look down, letting my brunette locks shield my face from his.

"I'll have to ask Carl, I can't drive, well I can- I don't own a car, or a license but I-" he stopped my rambling.

"I can give you a lift?" He offered which I immediately put down, he was giving too much to me. I didn't want to spend so much time, that would mean falling in love, and that would mean falling and breaking... again.

"We see daddy everyday?" Lucy asked, green brown eyes blinking in confusion.

"Yes Luce, as long as your other daddy says it's okay."

"Okay mummy." She nodded obediently.

No more conversation happened during lunch, the silence was given to me to eat the spaghetti. It felt like the best meal I've had in ages, my tongue only used to bland tastes, but today? My tongue had discovered two things it had loved. The delicious spaghetti carbonara with it's mouth watering flavours and let's not forget...

The spearmint mixed with the intoxicating tobacco smoke; Zayn's lips.

hey guys(:

I'm feelin so down lately it's impossible to get up, oops.

instagram - irishagram 

twitter - chamrock_jack

private message me for my personals :P

have you noticed a lot of fans are fading out ? the boys aren't interacting with us anymore, that's why so many people like 5sos, they remind us of what the boys used to be like before the big world fame and shittee. I miss the old boys, I know they're coming to the end soon :/ 

my only friend is starting to hate me, lol.

loveyou all!

~Chamrock Jack xox

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