chapter forty-five.

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Sweat. Warmth... Too warm.

I wake up with arms wrapped tightly around me as if to hold me apart, hold me close so the demons couldn't get to me and haunt me with my past... My terrible past. I shift slightly, turning around so I could face him, chiseled cheekbones and long hair fluttering over his face. I move his hair, brushing it back so that I could study his face, long raven lashes resting on prominent clear bones. I lean forwards, pressing a light kiss onto his forehead. A small sigh-like breath leaving his lips as he buries his face into my neck, his stubble rubbing at my pale skin.

"Zayn you have to get up, Perrie's going to wake up." I speak, pressing yet another kiss onto his face.

"You seem to be missing my lips." He groaned, his low and husky voice sending me shivers down my spine as I stroke through his hair once more whilst biting my lip.

"Go, shoo." I speak, causing him to moan in discomfort as he slipped out of bed and sauntered off to his own bedroom.

It had happened since that night. The night he explained the story. Dark Angel. My mind was still tingling from the memories, the sinful whispers when Zayn retold the story, fingertips pressing gently at my sides. Perrie wasn't at all happy when seeing us cuddled together, telling Zayn he wasn't to talk to me. Zayn proceeded to give me subtle winks around the hotel when he was around, sneaking into my bed in the middle of the night until -like now- I had to wake him up so he could hurry back into bed with Perrie.

Slùt. My subconscious tells me. Zayn is fùcking engaged and here you are playing around with him? I knew I shouldn't. I knew it was wrong... but he was doing it as well! I couldn't imagine the amount of hate I would get if Zerrie broke up and I was the wanton to sink the ship. I could see the headlines now, headlines about Zayn having an affair with the old high school slüt. I get out of the bed, stretching, a small smile taking over my face. Today. Today the bandages would be coming off. It also meant Lucy and I were returning to London, living alone in a small flat building near Zayn's house. Perrie didn't want anything to do with us (who could blame her?) so we were to live alone in a small flat which could accommodate both Lucy and I.

"Mummy!" Lucy runs in, a smile taking over her face as I embrace her in a huge hug, small giggles escaping her lips as I tickle her side. I help her do her teeth and get changed, I then brush my own teeth, changing into leggings and a baggy shirt before grabbing a jacket, patting the pockets to check that I had enough money. I didn't know how I could ever thank Zayn for lending me money and everything else he was doing for Lucy and I.

"We're going to the hospital today, mummy has to get rid of her bandages."

"Are you hungry?" I ask, Lucy nodding, her curls bouncing. Her curls were more curly due to the fact I cut them shorter so they were no longer uncomfortably poking at her skin and making her itchy.

"Let's go get you some food yeah?" I stand carefully, taking her hand in mine and making my way to the living room, seating on the sofa and holding the menu up, and reading out the things I guess she would like.

"Choc-late toast!" She squeaks out, causing me to laugh at her excitement, calling for her food.

"You were dreaming babe, I was with you all night." I hear Zayn speak, Perrie and him walking into the room.

"I swear I woke up in the middle of the night with an empty bed!"

I watch them enter the room, Zayn's arms wrapping around Perrie's body. Perrie glares, my eyes looking away as I place the menu back.

"What should we get for breakfast?" Zayn speaks, stepping over and grabbing the menu, his arm brushing across mine.

"Let's go out for breakfast." Perrie speaks, eyeing Lucy and I like we were vermin.

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