chapter twenty-eight.

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"Zee, babe. Why are you on the sofa?" I blink, once, twice. Until I see Perrie's face, my arms reaching out to hug her tightly. I forgot she was on a three day break from tour.

"Rose is upstairs."

"They're back?" She grimaced.

"Probably for good." I yawn, clicking my back.

"Daddy?" Perrie groaned as Lucy comes in, sitting by my feet.

"Daddy, mummy sleep in your bed!"

"She's in your bed?!" Perrie's face grew red.

"Leave her to it Per, come on, I'll make breakfast."

We all eat cereal, Lucy stealing glances at Perrie whilst I wondered where Rose was. I thought too soon, footsteps heard as Rose enters the kitchen.

"Sorry, do you have any pain killers?" I nod, standing up to reach into the medicine cabinet and handing her the packet.

"No more than 3 a day." I tell her, filling a glass with water then watching her go back upstairs.

"Why isn't she eating? Weirdo." Perrie giggled.

I chuckle along with her, placing my bowl into the sink.

"How about we have a picnic today, us three." I smile at Perrie and Lucy.

"Not mummy" Lucy whispers, playing with the ends of her shirt.

"You don't like her?"

"No, I not want mummy there."

I frown, deciding on informing Rose we were going out. I was soon making my way upstairs quickly to avoid the two alone for too long.

"Rose?" I knock.

"Ro?" I knock once more.

I open the door, confused when seeing she wasn't here.

"Rosie?" Not in the bathroom either. Where else could she be? I make my way to the graffiti room, confused when the door doesn't budge. I jam my shoulder at it four times before it opens, cringing as a wooden chair falls to the ground. My jaw drops when I see her.

"Rosie?!" I run over quickly to her limp body, fingers shakily checking her pulse.


"Overdose." He tells me, placing the clipboard back on the bed.

"What? Why? Is she okay?!"

"We've cleared most of the substances but she might not wake up until tomorrow."

"Crazy, she's absolutely crazy." I shake my head, fingers running through locks.

"Can we go now, I'm hungry!"

"Soon Perrie!"

"Can you call me when she's awake? Please." I almost plead, clasping both hands together.

After giving him my phone number I am soon leaving the hospital, carrying Lucy.

"Daddy, is mummy okay?"

"Why do you care? You don't want her anymore."

"I not want mummy die!"

"Be quiet Lucy."

Lucy doesn't speak for the car journey, her face showed she wanted to cry, but she managed to hold it in, following after me quickly as Perrie and I walk hand in hand to a small park. We reach a small empty park, I sit cross legged on the floor whilst Perrie lays down, her head resting on my knee. Lucy stands a few metres back, her breathing was fast, face flushed from the amount of walking.

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