chapter fifty.

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"So this is it." I comment, scanning the room. I see Zayn nod in my peripheral vision, my forehead forming lines as my eyebrows draw in. Lucy was asleep, draped over Zayn's shoulder, her mouth agape. I knew there would be a lot of catch up for me to know what she's been doing whilst I've been recovering in hospital. I scan around the room once more, happy that it was suitable accommodation yet a small part of me was annoyed. Annoyed that we were a whole 20 minutes walk away from Zayn's actual house and annoyed that he didn't splash out on a little more for the girl he had loved. Had... loved... I sigh, walking over to the room and looking over the double bed. One bedroom, he got a flat for two people with one bedroom.

"I figured you'd want to share a bed." Zayn spoke awkwardly, I spin to scan over his face, my eyes narrowing into a glare. I remember the memories of when we had small fall outs and arguments, when he told me he had slept with Emma- a girl I envied so much.

"You're lying." I state, watching as he lay Lucy down onto the bed and unbuckling her shoes.

"Why would I be lying, I promised I'd get you a flat and here we are!"

"Don't you dare say anything about promises." I point, my eyes feeling the familiar sting of rejection. I watch his eyes roll as he stepped out the room and into the main room, a sofa sat in front of a small television. He grabbed the throw cushions, throwing them onto the love seat before I realised what he was doing.

"This is a sofa bed as well." Zayn spoke, letting me seat on the edge.

"Is it safe here? I know there are other people living in this flat but is it easy for anyone to get up here and stuff?"

"There's two locks on the door." Zayn pointed and I wanted to smack him.

"Two locks." I deadpan, watching his perfect eyes roll. I pull up the side of my top, letting him look at the scar taking over the side of my stomach.

"There is someone out there trying to kill me and you think two locks are going to stop him?"

"Stop over-exaggerating!"

"I know you don't love me anymore, but the least you could do is care."


"For the billionth time. My name is Rose." I interrupt him, my teeth grinding as I glared. I couldn't believe he had the audacity to buy me a flat with shįt security that was a 20 minutes walk from his home. I wanted to sleep without the thought of someone breaking in and hurting Lucy, but then again I didn't sleep.

"Fine, Rose. You're going to accuse me of not fùcking caring when I bought you a flat and flew all the way here during the middle of a tour just to make sure you're okay and you're telling me I don't care?" I saw fire in Zayn's eyes but I stood my ground, not allowing myself to be scared.

"You flirted with me back at the hotel, you snuck into my bed and cuddled with me and then went and told Perrie you didn't love me and let me run off, then you go and find me and claim you want to help me? I got that you didn't keep your promise okay, I'm over it! I don't give a single flying fùck that you didn't come back for me anymore okay, I just hate how you keep getting me hurt Zayn. Carl wouldn't be like this if you just told me you didn't want Lucy and I in your life. Stop leading me on and I can leave." I was sick and tired of all these ups and downs. I wanted to settle down and sort out my life.

"I had to chase after you because you allowed someone to abuse you both emotionally and physically but you were too delusional to even see that? Couldn't you see that he was hurting you?"

"He only hurt me because you got involved, he was so loving until he found out the baby belonged to someone I love! It's not fair Zayn. You're getting married and I'm a single mother. I just want someone to love me, is that too much to ask for?" I refused to let my eyes tear as my fist shook beside me. I didn't even acknowledge the fact I just admitted I still loved him. I watch as he tugs at the ends of his hair, his eyes containing more anger than I've seen and the first feelings of fear begins to creep into me.

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