chapter eight.

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After a full day of going to the park with Lucy, she was evidently tired, eyes drooping as we get into the car.

"You can go to sleep Lucy, I'll put you in bed when we get back." I tell her.

"Okay daddy." She murmured, shutting her eyes.

Once home, I carry Lucy into the house, but as soon as she was put into the bed, her eyes shot open, looking around confused.

"Go back to sleep if you're tired." I say, pushing away some curls.

"I not tired." She tells me, sliding out of bed and following me down.

"Perrie's coming over." I tell her.

"Okay," She nodded, taking a seat on the sofa.

I hear the doorbell, causing Lucy to jump slightly. I go to open the door, seeing Perrie with her face heavily made up.

"Hey babe." I smile, pecking her lips.

She smiled at the simple gesture, kicking her shoes to the side and letting me hang up her coat. I then lean down and place her shoes on the shoe rack, my slight OCD kicking in. I lead her into the living room, a small frown settled on her lips when she sees Lucy drawing in her almost full Princess book.

"Why so much?" I frown, stroking her overly powdered face.

"It makes me feel more confident." She shrugged.

After an hour of trying to persuade her she was beautiful without the amount of cosmetics she used, I gave up, the urge to empty my bladder too strong. When I stand up, Lucy looks up immediately, watching my every move.

"Just nipping to the loo, I'll be right back." I tell her, she nodded.

I go to the toilet, quickly relieving myself and washing my hands. Anything to avoid Perrie and Lucy staying together for too long! I go to the kitchen to get Lucy a plastic cup of water. When I make my way back I'm immediately quite mad.

"Lucy!" I shout, causing her to drop her colour pencil.

"You draw in your book and not my wall!" I scold, storming over and causing her to run away.

"Up to the naughty step now!" I point towards the door, causing her lip to tremble.

"Pewwie tell me to." Her voice is quiet, her miniscule hand pointing towards Perrie on the sofa. I look over to her, mentally asking her but she shakes her head, no.

"That's an extra ten minutes on the naughty step! Lying is wrong!"

"Daddy! It not me!" She begins to cry, running over to protect her book.

Before she could grab it, I take it off of her, placing it onto a high shelf.

"No!" She screams at me, daring to walk up to me and hit me on the leg.

"That's half an hour on the naughty step!" I shout, striding over and lifting her up to bring her on the step.

"Daddy it not me!" She wails harder, banging on my shoulder.

"You drew on my wall Lucy, it's naughty!"

"You draw on wall when you little!" She shouts- no screams into my ear.

"Who told you that?"

"Mummy! You draw with mummy!"

"Are you going to back talk to me?" I sit her on the step, kneeling down to her level.

"You must sit here and think about how naughty you've been!"

"I not naughty!" She screams, standing up and running away.

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