chapter seven.

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We were all in the kitchen, making a big mess, but Lucy was enjoying it, she was giggling and actually speaking to us; we were doing something right! Lucy was sat on the counter table, a bowl between her legs as she mixed the cake mixture. Harry was mixing the cookie mixture and I was helping Lucy. She wasn't very strong due to how small and skinny she was so we both held the wooden spoon together, stirring the cream coloured mixture.

"Right, we need to put them both in the oven at the same time cos they'll both be in for 15 minutes." Harry read off the Betty Crocker packet, he probably knew as he used to be a baker, maybe he was just double checking? I don't know.

"Come on Lucy, we have to mix faster so it can be done!" I say, incorporating the mixture.

We begin to mix faster, stirring and stirring until... A big blob landed on Lucy's shirt. She screamed, using her hands to bat it back into the bowl.

"Get out of my kitchen!" Harry joked, taking the bowl off of us.

"C'mon Lucy, let's leave Harry." I huff, lifting her onto the floor and using a wet paper towel to clean off the stain. I pretend to have a tantrum and be mad at Harry, causing Lucy to laugh loudly.

"We finish?" She asked.

"No, when the cakes come out, we're going too decorate them and then you can show daddy and Perrie what you've done." Lucy became quiet, her smile fading quickly.

"What's wrong?" I pout, kneeling down so I was looking into her caramel, green eyes.

"Pewwie no like me." She begins to cry, her hands balling up to cover her eyes.

"Oh, don't cry. It's okay. I like you. We can be best friends!"

"Why Pewwie not like me?" She asked, accepting my hug.

"I don't know, maybe she's jealous?"

"What jealous?"

"It's means, she might be mad because daddy loves you more then he loves Perrie."

"Do he?" She asked, pure confusion swirling in her eyes as I pull away.

"Maybe." I wink, lifting her back up onto the counter so we could wait for the cakes.

"Do you like chocolate?" Harry asked.

"Yes." I grin.

"Not you, Lucy!"

"Oh. Um." Lucy went a bright pink, her eyes widening as she looked at me for help.

"Here." I chuckle, handing her a small chocolate chip.

She popped it into her mouth, not bothering to chew. After a few seconds, her eyes lit up as she nodded vigorously.

"I like choc-late!" She exclaimed, causing Harry and I to laugh. She was adorable.

We were soon decorating the cakes, Harry teaching Lucy the arts of icing and decoration while I just threw random bits onto the cake until it looked complete. My thoughts were long gone from thinking of Eleanor, my focus on Lucy and her happiness right now. When the cakes were all done, Lucy cheered loudly, clapping her hands as a huge grin took over her face.

"Now we need to clean up!" Harry declared with so much enthiusiasm it almost sounded fun. Almost.

I groan in displeasure, moving Lucy onto the table beside the sink and handing her a tea towel. She begins to help dry the plastic things while I cleaned the glass things. She was doing it with upmost care, as if she had done it many times before. Harry seemed to notice as well, giving me a strange look.

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