chapter eleven.

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Her hair was still a glossy brown colour, eyes bright hazel and green. Her eyes fixed onto me, her face composed to a stoic look.

"Rosemarie, you are free to leave but you need to do community service at the shop you stole from. You must apologise and then ask to work there."

"How many times do I need to tell you, it's Rose!" She snapped.

Lucy suddenly wakes up, just as Rose turned round the corner to change out of her jail clothes. Lucy looks around confused, taking in her surroundings. Rose comes back, her eye lighting up at the sight of Lucy.

"Mummy!" She screamed, running towards Rose. I stood and watched as they interacted, Rose hugging and kissing Lucy numerous times.

"Lets go." I huff, motioning for them to follow. Rose carries Lucy, following after and getting into the car.


We were soon all back. Rose and I had put Lucy in bed and now we were sat on the sofa.

"Explain yourself." Rose snapped, crossing her legs.

"I was busy pursuing my career, I never had the time!"

"Lucy and I are leaving tomorrow, Carl is picking me up."

"Who the hell is Carl?" I snap. I needed the answers, now.

"He's my.. Boyfriend." Rose looked reluctant to speak, her fingers knotting together.

"Then why is Lucy here?" It came out more rude then I thought...

"I thought you would want to see your daughter! Obviously not!"

"You haven't changed at all! Will you just grow up!"


I ignore Zayn, making my way out of the room and upstairs. I get lost a few times before finally finding where Lucy was. I joined her in the bed, cuddling towards her. She wakes up, cuddling into me before falling asleep once more. I try to sleep that night, wearing the same clothes I had left the jail with. Leggings with a few holes, a maroon coloured Ramones shirt and lastly, the leather jacket.

"C'mon Luce, lets go back to your daddy and we'll live as a small family again." I smile, ushering her over.

"No! I want daddy!" She tells me, hugging Zayn's legs.

I feel my heart drop, my only love... Loved someone else. Didn't want me.

"Lets go, she can stay." Carl tugged my hand along, my eyes wandering back to Lucy waving. I scream her name, but she holds tightly onto Zayn's hand, breaking my heart even more.

I sit up quickly, taking the leather jacket off of me and throwing it to the ground. This always happened at the prison, and now these nightmares occurred even when Lucy was beside me. I sit up, hugging my knees and staring at the wall. I feel my heart crumble at the thought of Lucy leaving me, replacing me. She obviously would prefer Zayn, he can provide her with warmth, food, clothes ... He could spoil her all he wanted, and what could I do? Shield her away from Carl. I loved him. I was so sure, yet even when he hit me. I still couldn't leave. His tea coloured hair and his coffee eyes. His plump lips which kissed me on his good days. I just couldn't bear to leave him. He also scared me, but he told me I couldn't leave, and that was when the invisible shackles stuck.

I stay awake till morning, Lucy waking up and hugging me tightly. She grabs me by the hand and leads me downstairs, seating me down on the sofa and sitting on my lap. She begins to tell me story after story of everything that had happened, her beautiful golden green eyes glittering in glee. I nodded along, hiding my frown. I find the house phone, dialling Carl and telling him to pick me up in an hour.

Zayn soon comes down, Lucy running towards him in a huge hug. I stayed there on the sofa, watching as Lucy runs off to her warm breakfast, her clothes were all new. All this would never fit into our shelving back home. I am not offered any food by Zayn, but Lucy runs over and offers me to come to the dinner table which I refuse to. My stomach rumbles loudly but I ignore it. I knew all food was to go to Lucy, she was the one to potentially get the good job, not me. When the doorbell rings, it's Zayn who answers it, I thought it would've been Carl, but no. It was some blonde girl I've seen Zayn with on the newspapers. His fiancé. She sees me, disdain filling her eyes when studying me. I probably looked like a rat compared to her, my dark rings under my eyes due to my insomnia, messed up hair, crumpled clothes. Then here she was, adorning brands that I could never in my life time would be able to afford, makeup covering every imperfection and hair curled to perfection. No wonder Zayn picked her, she was beautiful. I use the elastic band to tie up my hair, hoping to give the brown mess a better look. Zayn watches, while Perrie began to speak.

"You know, it's bad to use elastic bands for your hair." She tells me, watching me sit back down onto the sofa.

"I know." I respond, watching Zayn begin to glare.

"Zayn, who is she?" Perrie whispered, yet I still heard.

"It's Lucy's mum." He responded, causing her eyes to light up.

"Finally! Was getting tired of the little thing calling Zayn her daddy!" She exclaimed, causing Zayn to look down.

"Yeah, Lucy must've got confused, her daddy is working, working his ass off just to feed Lucy a meal." I glower at Zayn before making my way to the kitchen.

"Wrong way!" Zayn called, causing me to huff. Stupid house.

"I know!" I snap, going to the kitchen.

"Mummy!" I forced a smile to my beautiful toddler, finishing the last of her egg and soldiers.

"Morning Luce, are you ready to head back home?" I ask, sitting beside her.

"This is my home." She frowned, reminding me a lot of my nightmare.

"No, remember our other house, with the fire and other daddy? That's our home."

"But mummy, I like this daddy!"

"I know, but we have to head back, your other daddy is coming to pick us up." Lucy pouted, getting off the chair and taking my hand.

"Good girl." I praise, leading her back upstairs.

"Mummy, can I have choc-late when we home?" Lucy asks, helping me pack her small backpack, cramming it with all her new things.

"I'll see what I can do." I sigh, hoping to God we had enough money.

When we were finally done, leaving some clothing behind, I carry Lucy down, my jacket in my hand, Lucy's book in hers. We pass Zayn, making our way to the door.

"Bye daddy." Lucy waved with a smile.

"Where are you going?" Zayn asked, not bothering to look at me.

"I go home." Lucy frowned, beginning to cry.

Zayn doesn't say anything, obviously because his precious fiancé was watching. We wait by the door, me trying to comfort Lucy and telling her he has to work. The doorbell finally rings, I throw the door open immediately, greeted by Carl.

Xxx I love you xxX

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~chamrock jack 🍀xox

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