chapter twenty-four.

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Normally, a girl would be happy that Zayn Malik wanted to father your children, again. Me? I wasn't too happy. He pushes us away then thinks he can get us that easily? I don't reply to him, telling Lucy it was time for bed. I kiss her on the forehead, telling her I loved her, but again. She doesn't recirpocate, turning away immediately. Zayn frowns, looking at me when I leave, but I ignore him also, going back to the sofa and laying down. Most of my wounds had closed up, I think it wouldn't hurt too much for a shower tomorrow... I turn over on the sofa, holding my knees up to try and prevent the heat energy excaping my body, but it was no use. I thought of the comfy sheet in Lucy's room, plus her warm clothes. I rid my thoughts, turning over once more and letting myself drift into a deeper sleep. And at that moment, I realised how truly exhausted I was.


"Why didn't you tell her you loved her?" I ask Lucy, giving her a small scolding.

"I not love her." She folds her arms over, giving me a pout. It surprised me how she could hold a grudge, when she never could for me.

"You can't not love your mummy, that's not allowed!" I gasp.

"Daddy sleep here. I not like big bed."

"What about your mummy? She's probably freezing on the sofa!"

"Mummy say she like it there. This my room."

"I need to brush my teeth and that. I can't stay here."

"No! Daddy! I not want be mummy! She not talk to me no more!"

"What do you want to do then?" I ask her with a sigh.

"I want go daddy house!"

"You can't leave your mummy behind!"


"I'll stay here tonight, we'll see what happens tomorrow."

"Daddy not brush teeth!"

"I'll brush tomorrow morning, or afternoon."

"Okay daddy, night night! I love you!"

"I love you too Luce." I sigh, holding her closer to me to keep her warm.


I wake up when realising Lucy's presence wasn't beside me, I get out of the bed, stretching out my muscles. The bed was uncomfortable, and the sheets were cold. The whole motel was freezing! I find Lucy beside Rose, her hand on her shoulder attempting to shake her awake. Rose was already shaking slightly, causing me to walk over immediately.

"Daddy, mummy not wake up."

"Let me see." I say, my hand on her shoulder.

"Ro? Wake up." I shake slightly harder, finally waking her up.

"It's freezing." She shivered, eyes still shut.

"Ro, you didn't wake up."

"Wake up?" Her voice slightly slurred.

"Are you okay?" I ask, helping her sit up.

"I'm fine, just tired... and cold." She laughed slightly, standing up. Her palm goes up to her forehead, her brows furrowing.

"Are you okay?" I ask, unsure on what to do.

"I feel dizzy, it's nothing. I'll go make breakfast."

She stumbles to the kitchen, her palm rubbing circles on her forehead. She started mumbling to herself, looking around clueless.


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