chapter eighteen.

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I stare up at the ceiling, sweaty, naked bodies pressed together. I felt numb all over, Carl's arm wrapped tightly around mine, his loud snores entering straight to my ear. I couldn't feel anything. Carl told me this was my reward for taking all that money. He took it all, but I didn't care. Why do I need the money? It usually went to Lucy but she wasn't here. She didn't care so why should I put in the money to care back for her! I stay awake all night, not a single blink of sleep in me. I was in too much pain, lip sore from more kisses, legs sore from the "love" I received, hips sore from his tight hold. Everything. Hurt.

In the afternoon, Carl wakes, finally releasing me and telling me to make breakfast. He then tells me I should get ready as I would need to work in an hours time. I make Carl toast, making sure I use his bread, not mine and Lucy's. I make six, all spread with honey. He soon came down, dressed and ready for work. He tells me he loves me, and that he would drop me off for work, munching on his toast. He doesn't offer me any, leaving me to eating my stale bread with a thin layer of butter. I never dared to touch Carl's food because that would lead into painful consequences.

Carl presses his lips hard against mine, hurting my lips more but I don't complain. I tell him I love him, and he tells me he'll pick me up. This made my heart drop, knowing I wouldn't see Lucy today. My walking felt like hobbling, the pains of last night a reminder that he loved me. Sandra gasped quietly when seeing my appearance but doesn't question it, leading me to the back to change from Zayn's clothes into work clothes. I stumble around the shop, receiving weird glances as I stocked shelves.


"Lets go buy you some chocolate." I smile down at Lucy, knowing that was my excuse to see Rose. She usually came to mine, before work and she hadn't came, this worried me deeply. Had Carl hurt her, had she kept any of the money? Did he find out?!

We drive to the familiar supermarket, Lucy's hand slipping into mine as the automatic doors let us in. I go around the many aisles, even though I knew that chocolate was on the first. I finally see brunette locks, hurrying my steps.

"Rose!" I call, causing Rose to glance over, but she ignores me, going back to placing sweet corn tins on the shelf. Lucy hides behind my legs as I stand beside her, waiting for her to finish.

"Do you need something?" She glares at me, turning the last can round.

"How come you didn't come over? I thought it was an everyday thing."

"I only came over because of Lucy, but now she lives with you there's no point, is there?" Her expression was cold, but her eyes told me different, hurt was trapped behind swirling colours, tears holding onto long lashes. I don't reply, Rose finally deciding to walk off, until I realise, she's limping.

"Rose, what happened to your legs? Did he hurt you?" I place a hand in her shoulder, causing her to flinch away from me, the same cold expression settling on her face.

"He didn't hurt me, he never hurts me!" She hissed, turning away once more.

"Daddy, why mummy like that." Lucy holds onto my leg tightly, too scared to glance at her own mother.

"I don't know Lucy, but we're going to find out, alright?" We go to the chocolate aisle, Lucy picking a bag of giant chocolate buttons. We make our way back to Rose, who was tidying straightening packets on the aisle.

"Rose, talk to us. Please. Lucy's upset," I see her eyes soften, until they harden once more, the green pebbles I haven't grown accustomed to yet appearing.

"Well bring her away, I don't want her to see me like this."

"Mummy!" Lucy cried, grabbing at her trousers.

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