chapter thirty-seven.

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I stand at the doorway, Lucy beside me as we decided when to actually walk into the room. Today was the day where all the girlfriends were coming over. Tomorrow was Lucy's birtday and we were currently in the most beautiful place ever- Paris.

Zayn and Perrie were currently in a close embrace, their lips sealed tightly. Every night Zayn cuddled me until I slept and sometimes left leaving me lonely, or staying for the whole night because he was too tired to get back into his own room which was now located in my hotel room as I needed him to sleep. My mind had reassured me that Zayn wouldn't hurt me, but too much human contact brought me to tears and Zayn was always afraid for when I would suddenly break down. I also had sudden days when Zayn would slowly transform into Carl and it would take Zayn a good half hour to remove my doubts and fears from my mind.

I also had two more weeks till my ribs are said to be healed and hopefully the bandages can go and I can properly shower them because they probably stink. The thing I was looking forward to most, was probably movng around without feeling pain and showering without a horrendous waterproof wrap around my bandages.

Lucy tugs my shirt slightly when they stop kissing and we finally step into the room. If looks could kill, I would probably be dead in the two seconds it took for Perrie to acknowledge my existence in Zayn's life once more.

"Oh, hi." She forces a smile that probably added another stress line to her forehead. I give her a small wave, making my way to the phone and menu. I sit down, Lucy jumping onto the sofa beside me and peering at the pictures on the menu.

"A chocolate croissant?" I ask her, looking down at her small figure. She nods violently, causing me to stifle a small laugh.

"Zayn your usuals?" I look up at him, smiling when he nods. Zayn told me I didn't need to order him breakfast every morning but I felt guilty when I don't, nightmares would plague me and I was stuck in the Carl routine. Zayn excuses himself out the room to use the toilet and I was left with Perrie.

"Perrie?" I ask, handing the menu to her but she just glances at it like it was filth; or I was filth...

"Okay..." I mutter to myself, grabbing the phone and ordering room service.


"I told you she hates me! She didn't order me breakfast when everyone else got some!"

"Ro, why didn't you offer Perrie anything?" Zayn asked, giving me a stern look.

"I did! She glared back at me!" I protest.

"Perrie?" Zayn questions her.

"I didn't! You were the one who cuddled with her!"

Zayn becomes quiet for a few seconds.

"How did you know?" I ask, my cheeks feeling warm.

"They were all over the news, the picture." Perrie glowered at me, as if I had no right to talk.

"Rose, why didn't you order Perrie breakfast?!" Zayn demands, hand slamming on the table. I jolt back.


"Rose! You knew I was having someone over yet you still didn't make breakfast for her!" I stare down at my feet, shuffling them slightly to avoid the glares from my boyfriend and his current slüt. I knew what was to come once she left...


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I shout, arms in defence as he delivered more kicks.

"I expect breakfast for Amanda and I, every morning she's here. Understood?" I receive another blow just beneath my armpit.

"Yes! Yes!" I gasp, cowering into a ball.

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