Part 19: Band-Aids

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"Band-aids might fix cuts, but, not this situation"

Was the first thing your aunt said when she heard the whole situation.

'I know auntie...You told me the same thing when I was younger'

"Y/n, Band-aids might fix cuts, but, not this situation, you can't punch kids"

"But auntie! They were bullying someone"

"Yes, but you got hurt when you tripped, next time be careful"

Young Y/n looked down at her legs with many bruises and cuts.

"Okay auntie"

"Yeah and now I'm saying it again, be careful"

'Okay but can I stay with you? You're house is near my school, I can walk there'

Your aunt stayed quiet but finally agreed to let you stay with her. You ended the call and walked back inside. Suna was waiting for you with in the living you. You smiled and massaged his shoulders.

'When's the last time you got a massage'

He chuckled at your comment and you jumped over the couch, landing next to him. He wrapped his arm around your waist.

'She said yes?'

'Mhm, so I won't have to go back any time soon'


You smiled at Suna's protectiveness. Suna looked at you and the bruise on your cheek. Yet his eyes went from the bruise to your lips. At the moment you had no idea he was staring at you so you just continued the conversation.

'Hey, don't be so worried, at least I got out in one peace'

'Yeah true...Movie?'


Suna let you decide on a movie while he went to get snacks. He didn't realize how cold it was until he saw you rubbing your arms to keep warm. He smiled and took this opportunity to get one of his sweaters. He got back and threw the sweater at your head.

'Here, put it on'


You put it on and the sleeves were covering your hands. Suna laughed and he remembered something. He remembered that was the sweater you wore [in chp. 6] when you were drunk and he had to take care of you. He had his arm wrapped around you.

The movie started and it was a very generic movie. Halfway through the movie, Suna got needy, and felt the urge to kiss you. Before he could act on it, someone had busted through the door.


When you heard that Suna and you immediately moved away form each other. You grabbed a pillow and hugged in, totally nonchalant.

🗸 Rintarou Suna x F!Reader | Afraid to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now