Part 32: All Day

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[Short Chap.]


'Y/n? What the hell are you doing at my school?'

'Oh, well my club and some others is supposed to be here all day for some reason, don't know why'

'Well, Isn't this lucky, we'll be spending all day together'

'Mhm, so what---'


You looked behind you and saw Atsumu running towards you. You moved out the way and saw Atsumu fall flat on his face. You started to burst out in a fit of laughing, causing a scene and everyone stopped to stare and take photos, or just laugh. Atsumu had gotten up like nothing happened.

'Where's Kokomi??!'

'She's back at the gym with--'


He ran off, not even noticing the little pool of blood he left. The janitor eventually came and cleaned it up.


Suna was walking in the hallway, talking to an someone he knew.

'So Suna, I've heard that you like that L/n girl from the club that's visiting'


'So you do?'

Suna had saw you carrying some boxes that look like they were about to fall. You kept walking as though nothing was wrong. Suna hadn't responded until a few second later.

'Yeah I like her, she's even my girlfriend'

He stated and ran over to help you with the boxes. Suna had a slight smile on his face at the fact he called you his girlfriend. Even in past relationships, he never smiled when he called them his girlfriend.

'Need a hand?'

'Please, i just didn't want someone I didn't know walking up to me'

Suna grabbed two of the boxes and carried the boxes with you all the way to the storage place.


After 2nd period was over people knew about you and Suna, then rumors started up.

"I bet he's playing her..."

"I heard that Y/n..."

You got weird stares whenever you were in the hallway. You were carrying boxes with Kokomi. By lunch you were on break but you could still feel stares. Kokomi grabbed a megaphone and handed it to you while you were in the lunch room. 

'What's this for?'

'Tell everyone to stop with the rumors or I will'

'It's fine, I don't care--'

She turned on the megaphone and started off screaming.

'ATTENTION!! My friend Y/n--'

You put down the megaphone and everyone stared at you two not hearing a word you said but just staring.

'Anyway-- My friend Y/n here is not a bad person, nor is she using anyone! She may be a little sarcastic, impatient, blunt--'

'Get to the point already'

You said, getting annoyed. Kokomi smiled and spoke once again.

'SO STOP WITH THE RUMORS, because she's not a bad person at all, and if I find out who started the rumors I will blast you'

She smiled and put the megaphone back in a nearby box. You rolled your eyes and left the lunch room. Suna wasn't even in the lunch room. He was outside the school, hiding off somewhere, smoking. You were walking around the school and went to a vending machine. You remembered you already had a snack and went to find Suna.

'Okay, if I was Mr. Bendy Fox where would I go...?'

You said walking around until you found a secluded area. You smiled and ran over to the spot. To your, not so, surprise Suna was. Just sitting on his phone with cigarette in his hand. You came out of nowhere and loomed over Suna. He could only see a shadow. He was scared he had gotten caught smoking, He looked up and realized it was you. He took a breath and put his phone down.

'Shit I thought you coach or someone else'

He grabbed your hand and pulled you down to him.



'I say my life is shitty, because half the time it is...'

He didn't look it but he was kinda worried, so he just wrapped his arms around your waist.

'What about the other half?'

'The other half? The other half, is just lucky. I got lucky when my friends walked in. And when I met you and everyone else'

You smiled and for the rest of the day Suna skipped class and you tried to sneak around and not get caught so that you wouldn't help.

🗸 Rintarou Suna x F!Reader | Afraid to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now