14|| I love you truly || Part 1

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No TWs this time guys just a very cute a wholesome chapter <3 giving y'all a break from the *drama*



I watch the fire crackle as snowflakes fall outside the window. The balcony was coated in a thick layer of snow and it had been snowing since last night. I remember when being locked inside used to bug me, drive me crazy. But now that I don't have the choice, and I've grown used to it, I'm sort of okay with it. 

There are days where I can't control myself and I pace the rooms dying to release some energy or smell the fresh air of a forest rather than the dank air of the dead city. Sometimes I break down but Ranboo's always here to comfort me. 

I can't wait for the flowers to come back. The grasses that grew between cracks in the concrete on the ground were wild. That meant that some of them would have flowers. Even if they were just dandelions and daisies, the colour would be welcome in such a grey place. 

A typical knock came from my door and I called Ranboo in. He had his hands tucked behind his back mischievously. I smile feeling equally as playful. 

"Whatcha got there?" I poke and Ranboo tries to repress his smile but he can't keep a straight face. 

"Nothing..." he drags out the word. 
"Lemme see!" I whine and Ranboo laughs and caves in. He plonks down on the couch next to me and reveals what he had kept in his hand. 

"Daisies!" I gasp as Ranboo hands the small bunch to me. I touch the soft petals in amazement and I hear the voices chitter happily. 
"But how?" I ask and Ranboo smiles wider. 

"⌇☊⊑⌰⏃⏁⏁ ☍⟒⟒⌿⌇ ⏃ ☌⏃⍀⎅⟒⋏ ⍜⋏ ⍜⋏⟒ ⍜⎎ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌰⍜⍙⟒⍀ ⎎⌰⍜⍜⍀⌇, ⟟ ⌇⋏⎍☊☍ ⌇⍜⋔⟒ ⍜⎎ ⏁⊑⟒⌇⟒ ⍜⎍⏁. ⟟ ☍⋏⍜⍙ ⊑⍜⍙ ⋔⎍☊⊑ ⊬⍜⎍ ⌰⍜⎐⟒ ⎎⌰⍜⍙⟒⍀⌇" Ranboo said bashfully and my smile only grew wider. I flung my arms around my best friend and giggled happily. 

"Thank you so much!" I say and dash into the bathroom to put the daisies in water. I grab a cup I had kept from a meal and fill it for the daisies. I set them on the small table in front of the couch and sit next to Ranboo again. 

"⎅⍜ ⊬⍜⎍ ☍⋏⍜⍙ ⋔⎍☊⊑ ⏃⏚⍜⎍⏁ ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⎎⌰⍜⍙⟒⍀⌇ ⋔⟒⏃⋏?" Ranboo asks. I nod. 
"I know a little bit about the language of flowers, but just what my mother taught me," I say and smile at the memory. 

Mother and I would spend whole days in our little garden growing flowers and tending to our small vegetable patch. I remember daisies used to grow next to the river where the waterfall was. I crumple my brow when I feel something niggle about in the back of my mind. I'm forgetting something...

"What do d-Daisies mean?" Ranboo asks and I smile at his stumbling speech. 

"They mean I love you truly," that's when the memory hits me. In full force and I feel a floodgate open in my mind of repressed memories from my childhood. 

"Ranboo I remembered something!" I shout excitedly. Ranboo sits bolt upright with surprise and anticipation. 
"What?" He asks. I flick through the memory like files in a filing cabinet but the more I do the more I feel saddened. It was a happy memory, but looking back on it was painful. 

"It's about Technoblade... and Dream. But I didn't know he was Dream at the time," my voice grows quieter and I lean back against the couch. 

I was so innocent, so happy, so carefree. I feel tears prick my eyes and an arm wrap around my shoulders in a comforting side-hug. I lean into Ranboo's side and let a few tears fall silently. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now