Chapter 5: Flirting With Disaster

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(A/n: Time to change things up a bit! I know this episode is sort of supposed to hint that Danny has feelings for Valerie in the show, but since (Y/n) and Danny are now official since the Fright Before Christmas episode, this episode will be about them having their first official date and maybe some miscommunication b/w Valerie and (Y/n).)


*Third person POV*

"And this cartridge makes my PDA a gps!" Tucker explained to Sam one day at the mall. They were at the food court together having lunch, but Sam found herself uninterested ever since Tucker laid out his electronics on the table. "And this chip right here makes the GPS a GBA, and-! I'm boring you, aren't I?"

"You're killing me!" Sam exclaimed. She sighed and perched her elbow on the table. Her head leaned against her hand. "Why aren't we hanging out with Danny and (Y/n) today?"

"They said they were busy." Tucker said. "Something about a romantic stroll through town in his "ghost" form?" He turned to two of their classmates at the table next to them. They placed their lunches down on their table. "Hey, Valerie! Star."

"Foley." The blond girl responded with a displeased tone.

"Manson." Valerie also eyed Sam from across the area.

"Whatever." Sam said, rolling her eyes. 

"So, where's the loser couple?" Star asked.

"Danny's not a loser!" Valerie defended, and that surprised everyone. 

"And neither is (Y/n)!" Sam said, glaring at Valerie.

"Uhm...Ladies?" Tucker said, holding up a finger. "Hello? Another good looking guy right here!" He raised his eyebrows several times to get some sort of attention, which no one paid no mind to. "And people wonder why I love technology..." I heard crackling sounds coming from my PDA and I lifted it up to me. "Sweetie, are you okay?" I asked my PDA. 

Valerie wanted to break the ice and look around curiously. "So, where is Danny and (Y/n) anyway?" She asked. 

"Not that it's any of your business, Valerie," Sam said, holding up both of her hands. "But they said they were busy."

All of a sudden, everyone backed away or stood up from their tables as Danny in his ghost form landed down at Sam and Tucker's table. "Are you mad, child!?" Technus asked, everyone looked upwards. "Picking a fight with me in my upgraded form?" He wore a cape around his neck, and nothing much had changed from the last fight. 

"You upgraded to a mullet?" Danny asked, and fired several ghost rays at Technus who dodged the attacks. All of Tucker's electronic devices started flying up from the ground and Technus used them all to create a shield in front of him. Then, Danny jumped over a table.

Danny glared at Technus, and shouted, "I am going to break you in half!" 

"Temper, child, temper!" Technus pointed out as Danny flew to him and disappeared. "There's that emotion of yours again..." Danny turned around, but then Technus grabbed at his neck. "Whether you know it or not is your greatest weakness!" Technus shocked him and Danny screamed out in pain before throwing him to the ground. 

"Danny?" (Y/n) hurried over to him once everything was sort of back to normal. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah..." He said, smiling up at her as he laid over fallen boxes. "Didn't expect that to happen. How about you?" 

"I could've been better..." She blushed, as a whole crowd gathered. She held out her hand and helped him up. "I guess our first date night's going to be a bust, huh?" 

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