Chapter 48: The Chase

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*(Y/n)'s POV*

"No use..." I said, pacing around Sam's bedroom. After school, Sam invited us to her place. Tucker was lying down on his stomach on her bed, reading a book, and Sam sat next to him. They looked at me in concern when I dialed Danny's number about five times. "I can't get a hold of Danny today."

"Do you know where he said he was going after this morning?" Sam asked, and I started to shake my head. Then, we felt a strange breeze from her windows. From the corner of my eye, I saw someone fly past me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and grabbed me with him. I dropped my phone with a yelp as I got pulled.

"Danny-!" I exclaimed as we crashed into Sam's desk together. "Ow!"

"Sorry, (Y/n)." Danny helped me up on my feet and I looked at him with concern. "Listen, guys." He said, as we turned to Sam and Tucker. "(Y/n) and I spotted a ghost earlier today who looks exactly like me, but he can change how he looks, and now I can't change back or turn invisible or intangible."

I looked at him and tilted my head in confusion as he kept his arm around my waist. "What? You can't change back?" I asked.

"And you're eating toast." Tucker glared, as Danny pulled out a piece of toast from his back pocket. He took a bite out of it in panic. "You hate toast. What gives?"

Danny just glared at him back and threw his arms up in the air in exasperation. Tucker and I were taken aback when he started yelling, "I can't change back to Danny Fenton! Me and the other Danny were fighting and we ran into my dad's Ecto-Stop-O-Power-O-Fier and I think it's taking away our ghost powers."

"Does your dad ever invent anything that doesn't mess you up?" Tucker asked.

"Or without a dorky name?" Sam offered.

"Well, it could be my parents' doing, too..." I said, solemnly. Danny looked at me and shook his head. "Vlad did say he hired them to destroy Danny's dad, so he had them tamper with every invention he's made."

"So, it's your fault?" Tucker pointed at me, and Sam slapped him.

"Tucker." I glared at him.

"It's not (Y/n)'s fault." Danny crossed his arms. "I can't go home. I can't go to school. I can't even walk around in public without getting mobbed. I almost got (Y/n) in trouble for that, too. What am I gonna do?"

Tucker snatched the half-eaten toast from Danny and took a bite. I rolled my eyes and facepalmed when Tucker said, "For starters. Get some jam. This is awful dry."

"He's gone through a lot today, Tucker. Don't you think you're being a bit insensitive right now?" I asked, and Tucker just gave me a blank look.

"Okay." Sam spoke up. "You're stuck as Danny Phantom. It could be worse."

I buried my head into Danny's chest as the walls exploded in front of us. We all looked up to see his parents as well as mine geared up together. "Mom? Dad?" I asked. "What are you two doing here?"

"Attention adolescents." Mr. Fenton announced as Danny went to go hide. "This is official Fenton/(L/n) business. Have you kids seen Danny?"

Sam, Tucker and I exchanged worried looks and said, "Uh...Danny who?"

"He was being chased through our house by that awful Danny Phantom and now we can't find him." Mrs. Fenton said, holding up her ecto-gun.

Mom looked at me and tilted her head. "Sweetheart, have you spoken to your boyfriend at all today?"

"Uhm..." I started to say. "Danny's not missing. We just saw him. Right, Sam and Tucker?"

Sam elbowed Tucker who winced. "Yeah h-he was, uh...running down the street away from that jerky Danny Phantom." Tucker grinned and we all smiled innocently.

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