Chapter 33: When In Rome...

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*(Y/n)'s POV*

The portal takes us to a tower clock inside, and Danny turned us invisible, taking us outside to an old, colonial town. "Cool, it's Thanksgiving!" Tucker said, as we looked to see what year we were in.

"If you knew your history, you would know that this is Salem, Massachusetts back in the 1600s." I said, as we looked at pilgrims. Men wore buckled hats, with black and gray clothes. Women wore bonnets and pale dresses, some holding baskets. "The paranoid villagers used to punish completely innocent people because they thought they were witches."

"How?" Tucker asked.

"Oh, no big deal, really." Sam said.

"Yeah, hey, Sam, didn't they just burn them at the stake?" I asked to clarify, and she nodded at me. We then saw an angry mob holding up a scarecrow. Everyone held either torches or pitchforks as they made their way down, making a commotion. They piled firewood together in the middle of town, and posted up the scarecrow.

"Well done, Joshua." one of the pilgrims said, holding up the hourglass. "That was your best time yet."

"I'm a big barbecue fan, but that's going too far." Tucker said.

"Let's bail." Danny said. "The longer we stay, the more chances we have of messing something up." He looked around before taking my hand and noticing that Sam and I were already gone. "(Y/n)?" He looked at us in fear.

"Can't you people get a life?!" Sam asked, and I started to agree until I stepped forward into a trap.

"Hey!" I shouted, and my backpack fell off me. I was trapped inside a net and I was moving around, trying to free myself.

"(Y/n)!" Danny, Sam, and Tucker screamed.

"Let me go!" I said, "I'm not a witch! Somebody get me out of here!"

The villagers didn't say much of anything but held their pitchforks high towards me. "Don't listen to her!" A voice said amongst the crowd. "She is a witch!" I looked to see a man with a ponytail remove his hat and I looked at Vlad in full view. He raised up his pitchfork at me, threateningly. "And you know what we do to witches around here."

Moments later, villagers brought me down and tied me against the stake. Then, they tossed me into a cart to be carried off by a horse just so they could burn me later. I watched as the entire village in town yelling horrible things at me.


*Third person POV*

"The portal's going to close soon!" Danny said to Sam and Tucker.  "How the heck did Vlad find us, anyway?!"

"Bingo!" Sam said as her eyes narrowed.

"Tracking device!" Tucker pointed outward and the trio looked at (Y/n)'s backpack with the robotic bug blinking at them.

"I'm not a witch!" (Y/n) angrily shouted from afar. They saw that she was more terrified than angry, as they piled up wood in the middle of town. They continued to tie her up. "Are you people that paranoid!? Oh wait, Salem...1600s...Duh."

Danny handed Sam the scroll, and went over to go save (Y/n). "Right on time..." Vlad said. "Behold, an evil spirit comes to rescue his Dark Queen!"

The crowd started clamoring together and (Y/n) frowned at them. Then, all of a sudden, another pilgrim appeared before her and had a basket full of dark, red flowers inside. He looked strangely familiar, and having the face of Danny's dad. "Stand back, I pray thee!" He shouted. "For I, John Fenton Nightingale, Salem's greatest Witch whacker shall vanquish this demon!"

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