The Light

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The sun crept slowly into the sky, bringing with it the most brilliant colors. Kakashi turned from the window with a frown there is no room for happiness here, not while you are still like this my Yuki. He had stayed with her through the rest of the night, but still she slept. Kakashi knew it was a good thing for her to get her rest, but it wasn't that helpful of a thought. If she wasn't awake and talking to him then there was no way he felt any better about the situation. The only good thing that had happened was she had stopped tossing and turning. She now lay perfectly still, but she still continued to make faces of pain and sadness. It was 7 in the morning and Kakashi had no intentions of leaving, they'll have to drag me out of here!


The darkness is fading, Yuki thought happily as she felt better. Maybe I can finally get out of this miserable state I've been in. However with that thought she paused, reminded of her encounter with Wolf.

That was probably nothing but a dream. Wolf would never be like that towards me. She tried her best to sound positive, to make herself believe her own words, but it was hard. The scene that had played out before her had seemed so real. She began to feel sad again, slowly losing hope.

No! Yuki snapped I will wake up from this and find the answer for myself. I will not sit here and let some illusion make me fall back into that horrible darkness that I came from.

She focused her mind and felt her chakra begin to flow through her body. I'll make it back Wolf and when I do I will find out how you truly feel for me after all of this.


Kakashi watched as a small smile made its way across Yuki's face.

"Yuki?" Kakashi sprang to Yuki's side, gently touching her face.

He could feel the strength running through her body, her chakra was making its way throughout her.

"You can do this Yuki. I'm right here waiting for you" Kakashi tried not to yell, but he couldn't control himself. Yuki was battling back, she was going to be with him any minute.

I can hear him, Yuki thought, I can hear Wolf!! He's calling me!!

Yuki began to focus harder, pushing her strength back through herself. Knowing Wolf was waiting for her was all the motivation she needed.

"Kakashi" Iruka stood in the doorway, two ANBU at his sides. His face was sad as he looked at the floor, never making eye contact

"Iruka!!" Kakashi exclaimed "She's waking up! I can feel her chakra growing, she'll be awake any minute!!"

"Kakashi-sama the Hokage has requested you return to ANBU headquarters. There is going to be a meeting held about what further action will be taken against these intruders." One ANBU spoke, while Iruka bite his lip and closed his eyes.

"I will not return until Yuki wakes up! It will be any minute" Kakashi jumped up yelling in their direction

"Kakashi please" Iruka stepped forward, finally picking his head up to look at him "You have to go now, the Hokage is upset with you as it is. I'll watch Yuki, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you when she wakes up"

Kakashi searched his friend's eyes, he knew Iruka was right. Kakashi had barely dodged the first round of trouble he had gotten himself into. It wouldn't be wise to bring about another batch. Still when he turned his head to look at Yuki nothing seemed to matter but being by her side. With a defeated sign he sat next to Yuki, bring his face down to her ear.

"I will be back for you Yuki. Use all your will to come back to me, I don't want to be without you a minute longer." He rose from the bed, looking down at Yuki's face once more.

Kakashi gasped as he noticed a smile on Yuki's face.  She can hear me. Kakashi began to smile as he turned away from Yuki, standing next to the ANBU in the hallway.

"I want to be informed the moment she wakes up" Kakashi said turning to Iruka.

Iruka nodded as the now three ANBU disappeared before his eyes. He took the seat next to Yuki's bed, noticing the smile on her face. Iruka couldn't believe it, she had heard Kakashi all this time!

"Wolf" the smallest sound escaped Yuki, but her eyes were still closed

"Yuki? Can you hear me?" Iruka leaned in close, taking her hand

"Where," she paused opening her eyes "Where's Wolf?"

"He'll be back, just rest easy Yuki." Iruka tried his best to comfort her

"I just heard his voice. He was just talking to me" Yuki smiled as her eyes began to close again

She slowly relaxed and her breathing became regular. Iruka leaned back in his chair, Kakashi was right. Only a few minutes and here she is. I'll have to send word.

Iruka rose from the chair and walked towards the hall only to be startled by an ANBU mask.

"I'm on my way now." And then he was gone

Iruka hadn't realized Kakashi had left someone behind to report back to him. I guess that makes things a bit easier.

Iruka returned to his seat watching Yuki carefully. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him, a weak smile on her face.

"Thanks for staying with me Iruka" Her voice was so soft Iruka could barely hear her

"You're welcome. Wolf took over for me early this morning" Just the sound of his name made her smile, What's been going on with these two?

"I know. I heard him calling me back. He called me to the light"

They shared a smile as Yuki drifted off once more leaving Iruka alone to wonder what was really going on between Kakashi and Yuki.

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