The Month

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** Hi Everyone!! I know this is a short update, but if you couldn't tell we are almost at the end of our journey. Although it's sad for me to think of this book ending I cannot wait to write it!! Oooh the adventures that await us!! Thanks for all your continued support and love, you guys are the best!! <3 **


As Kakashi and his team entered the camp he moved straight to the Hokage's tent. The two guards nodded at him and moved aside.

"Another success?" The Hokage looked to Kakashi from his seat

"Yes, village 4 has been successfully assembled. They expressed their thanks to you and will continue to keep us informed of the progress of the prisoners." Kakshi stood in front of the Hokage, not bothering to take a seat. He knew he would be leaving soon anyway.

"It seems each village is going to try and make these rebels useful members of their community." The Hokage smiled, his grand plan coming together. "I feel very strongly that once these men have been removed from the control of Daiki they will begin to see what a village is really made up of"

"They will be working closely with the rebels to make progress as quickly as possible." If it had been up to Kakashi those rebels would have met a worse fate.

"Good. We are a month into this process and I feel you and your team have done an excellent job at completing these tasks."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama." Kakashi bowed slightly

"Be sure to rest a few hours before heading back out with village 5." Kakashi nodded and left then tent.

We will rest 2 hours max and then continue on, my team can handle that.

Kakashi walked in search of his team resting in their assigned area. They rose quickly when they saw he was approaching.

"We will rest 2 hours and then escort village 5 home. This village has the most intense terrain, prepare yourselves." With a sound off of agreeance Kakashi turned and entered his tent.

It was hard to believe they had been escorting villages for a whole month. It was running very smoothly; bring the prisoners to the village, inform them of their new lives, and stay an extra day to make sure all was calm before they left.

Kakashi was happy that each village was ready for their arrival and had the rebels containment areas fully assembled. It would really slow their progress if things were not ready, not to mention put the village at risk of the rebels breaking out.

Settling onto the makeshift bed Kakashi decided he would spend his 2 hours sleeping and studying the route they would be taking. He needed to be sure there would be no surprises. As he lay back closing his eyes to begin to drift off to sleep he felt it, that pulling feeling in the his chest.

He didn't focus on it too much, but it seemed Yuki was not doing so well.

She's been sick ever since the lock was placed on the connection. It must be the change of chakra in her body. It's been a month she needs to get over it.

With that thought Kakashi shoved the connection out of his head and drifted to sleep.


The 2 hours were just about to come to an end as Kakashi studied the last of the map.

"Kakashi" The Hokage stood in front of him as he rose to greet him "This mission should be complete in two more weeks, yes?"

"Yes, there is only one more village after this and it is not going to be as much work to get to."

"I have decided to return to the Hidden Leaf. I have been absent for quite some time now and I know you can handle the rest of this mission without my presence." The Hokage let out a small laugh looking over Kakashi

"If you feel that is best Hokage-sama. I do not think this mission will prove to be troublesome."

"I will depart with your team. The other villages will stay to guard the camp until your team returns. When you leave with village 6 the camp will be cleared by the remaining villages before they return home. Once village 6 has been successfully assembled you and your team can head home."

"Understood." The two men stood and exited the tent, both moving in their separate directions with nothing more needing to be said.

Kakashi stood at the meeting point for his team, waiting for each one to assemble in front of him. There were two villages left to escort and then he could bring his team home.

Home, Kakashi paused, what will home be like when I return?

Before Kakashi could continue with his thoughts members of his team began to assemble in front of him. Darkness moved back over Kakashi's thoughts and he readied the team for their escort.

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