The Scout

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The room seemed to fill to the max as the Hokage made his way to the front. Yuki soon realized she would have to lead some of the meeting because she needed to explain the location of the camp. Yuki began to get nervous when she noticed she didn't know anyone in the room, it was full of ANBU masks and nothing else. Worse she still hadn't seen Wolf make his way back in.

The meeting began with the Hokage explaining how important it was to end the group of rogues hiding out in the woods. A few other ANBU moved in to speak about what plans of attack they thought would be affective and how they planned on moving towards the camp unseen. Yuki knew her time to speak was drawing near, but calmed instantly when she felt Wolf take her hand. They stood in the back of the crowded room, hands held together tightly. She could feel his emotions running through her and she knew he could feel hers as well.

"Yuki," the Hokage called from the front "would you please map out the camp and explain it to the room." Yuki release Wolf's hand after a confident squeeze and moved to the front of the room.

A large map was pinned to the front wall for all to see. Yuki grabbed several pins and positioned them around the camp.

"As you can all see the size of the camp is quite large, with several points of surveillance around the boarders. In two nights time the camp will lose a large number of members who will be out trying to bring recruits in. Their numbers will be very low and their defenses will be down as well." Yuki looked to the Hokage

"Thank you Yuki" Yuki bowed and returned to her place next to Wolf. Her hand found his once more and the meeting continued on.

"The best plan we can execute now is a small scout mission." The Hokage said standing in front of the room "Wolf, I want you to round up a group of six and head out tonight. You are to look over the camp and see what the best entrance point will be."

"Yes Hokage-sama."

"Be in my office as soon as you assemble your team." The Hokage stood and the room was dismissed

Yuki looked to Wolf for direction, feeling lost in the massive world of ANBU.

"Return home. I will be with you as soon as I can." Wolf said close to her ear. Yuki nodded and followed everyone out leaving Wolf to assemble his team.

Yuki felt lost in the crowd as she continued through headquarters to find her way into the slowly brightening sky. She had not realized she had been up all night and yet she wasn't tired at all. Too much was happening for her to even think of sleep.

"Kakashi sure has his hands full this time." Said two ANBU walking by laughing with each other

"Yeah what else is new. He loves it that way though" And then they were gone

Kakashi is in ANBU?! Does he work with Wolf? Yuki's head was spinning. She needed answers and she needed them now, but she knew Wolf wouldn't be with her for a while and Iruka was still sleeping before he woke up for class. Class!! I have to teach in a few hours!! With that thought Yuki took off home as fast as she could to sneak in a few hours of sleep before her day began.

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