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A new skill


enon: Uncle Vlad!

Vladimir: *Turn around* Ah Xenon...and Tora? What are you two doing here?

Xenon: We were looking for you.

Vladimir: For me...? What is it?

Xenon: The thing is...Tora wanted to show you his new skill he learned.

Tora: *Nod*

Vladimir: A new skill...?

Xenon: Yeah! Dad taught him!

Vladimir: (Gilbert taught Tora...?) O...kay? Show me what you got.

Xenon: But first, you have to hold your hand out! *Hold out his hand* Like this!

Vladimir: Eh? Um...like this? *Follow Xenon's instruction* (I thought Tora was supposed to do this...?)

When Vladimir do that, he noticed that Tora leaned towards him and rested his chin on his hand.

Vladimir: !?

Tora: *Rest his chin on Vladimir's hand* .......

Xenon: Isn't it amazing? We practiced it together!

Vladimir: .........

Xenon: ....Uncle?

Vladimir: *Cover his face with a fox mask*

Tora: ...Do you hate it?

Vladimir: N-no... (Damn it!! I can't help but to think he's too cute!! Damn Gilbert!! He must've saw me doing this to Grey in his wolf form...!!)

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