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The Story of  Vladimir & Liliana

Vladimir and Gilbert went back to their home when suddenly, they could feel the tension in the mansion.

Gilbert: What's going on...?

Vladimir: I... don't know. Everyone look worried though..

Just then, Charles appeared.

Charles: Ah you two are back! Perfect...! ...Or...not perfect at all.

Gilbert: What? What happend Charles? You look pale...

Charles: Dominique...

Vladimir: ....Please tell me that he actually do something harmful to Liliana-san.

Charles: ....... *Look down* ... It's best if you see it for yourself.

Charles took the twins to Liliana's room. Once they got there, they were horrified. Liliana's eyes...wait... there's no eyes!!

Vladimir: Wha-!?

Gilbert: What on earth--!? Charles, what the heck happened!?

Charles: ... Dominique...he took her eyes...and ran away...I...I couldn't stop him...

Vladimir: (That guy...I knew he's bad news from the start...)

Gilbert: Is there any way we can take it back?! If she don't have her eyes...

Charles: I tried to contact Vincent and even Alexander but...for some reason, I can't reach them at all...

Vladimir: He must've plan ahead of us... (Tch. He's the one who said that I will steal her eyes yet he's the one who done it. This guy...I will find him.)

Gilbert: We should try and find him then. If we can't reach them...then we are her only hope.

Charles: That's what I think... *Look down* I...I can't believe that Dominique would do such thing to her...

Vladimir: .... Let's not think about it and find him.

Everyone nodded before splitting up to find Dominique. For a few hours, they search...and keep on searching but no to avail. However Vladimir...

Vladimir: ...I knew I would find you here.

Dominique: Wha--you--! How did you--!?

Vladimir: I've been keeping an eye on you ever since I was a child. I know where you would go to hide to do your...bad things. I knew you're bad news.

Dominique: Shut up! You're supposed not to find me! Impossible!

Vladimir: You hurt Liliana-san. That's a fact...and I will never forgive you for that. *Hold his katana*

Dominique: If only...if only Lily continued to love me, this wouldn't happen!

Vladimir; (Hm...so Liliana-san fall out of love for Dominique...no wonder he's gone crazy...) ... You're sick, you know that? With that attitude, it's no wonder Liliana-san doesn't love you anymore.

Dominique got really mad at Vladimir's comment before he started to attack him. Vladimir mostly block his attacks. It continued like this for a while before Vladimir decided to fight back.

Dominique: Argh....

Vladimir: *Took the jar from him* ...Dracula took her eyes and Alexander was the one who managed to beat him... *Chuckle* ...And now, you're the one who took her eyes...and this Orfeo family member is the one who come to take it back...such irony huh?

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