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Geis and Tia were waiting for Adol to arrive. The problem is, they've been waiting for thirty minutes already and Geis started to lose patience...

Geis: Grr....

Tia: Um...Geis?

Geis: *Angry* What took him so long!? He's late! That idiot! Do he have any idea how cold we are right now!?

Tia: N-now now... let's wait a bit longer...

Geis: Grr....fine. If he's late for another minutes then he'll owe us hot cocoas.

Tia just giggled nervously before she look around. There were couples everywhere...

Tia: (Couples...I wish we were one of them...Geis...why are you so dense...? I even kissed you once...sure--I fall on top and accidentally kiss you-- but you didn't take it seriously...I wish there was a mistletoe or something so I have an excuse...)

Geis: ...Are you okay? Today is pretty cold.

Tia: Eh?! Ah... I'm fine... *Rub her hands*

Geis: ...Even when you're rubbing your hands for warmth? *Sigh before offer his hand* ...You can hold my hand for warmth.

Tia: *Blush* A-are you sure...?

Geis: Yeah.

Tia hesitated for a bit more before finally hold his hand. He then put their hands inside his pocket for warmth. They're extremely close to each other...

Tia: *Heartbeat start to speed up* (...Geis is only worried about me... don't get my hopes up!)

Geis: ...Hm? What's this?

Tia: Eh? *Widen her eyes* Ah...!

In Geis's hand, there was a mistletoe.

Tia: Wh-where did you get that...?

Geis: I don't know. It was inside my other pocket. Probably Aniki again...I forced him to do some laundry yesterday and maybe this is his revenge.

Tia: *Blush* ..... (N-not only that I get to hold his hand but also an opportunity to kiss him again...!? Erm...Maybe...I should take this as an opportunity to confess too...)

Geis: ...Hm? But...I remember seeing this plant somewhere. It was supposed to be famous... and it's weird that Aniki put this inside my pocket for revenge. Do you know about this... *Look at her* ...Why are you so quiet?

Tia: O-oh um...yes. I know what's so special about that plant...

Geis: And what would that be?

Tia: .......

Geis: ... What's wrong? You're being too quiet right now. And your face is turning red too... *Sigh silently* ...We can go somewhere to keep warm. We might as well ditch Adol.

Not letting Tia talk, Geis dragged her somewhere to keep themselves warm. Luckily, there was a bonfire nearby so they stood at a place where they can feel warm and alone at the same time.

Geis: There are a lot of people, as usual...

Tia: Y-yeah.... *Gently grip her hand on his*

Geis: ...So what's wrong? Is something bothering you? You've been awfully quiet for a while and it started to make me feel awkward. I usually get to hear you talking about something.

Tia: ...You...

Geis: Hm...?

Tia: ...Y-you're... you're a nice person, Geis. You've been helping me a lot...it made me feel guilty for not able to do it...

Geis: ...What are you saying all of the sudden? It's...only natural to help.

Tia: ....I see....

Geis: ....Tia? I can't understand you if you keep on being silent.

Tia: ........

Geis: ...Oi...earth to Tia! Why are you being so---

Tia: *Grab his arm & place her lips on his*

Geis: *Widen his eyes* .....!?

They stayed like that for a minute before she pulled away.

Tia: *Blush* ...If you see that plant mistletoe, you're supposed to share a kiss or you'll have bad luck...

Geis: ......... *Blink before look away* ...Th-that was a bit too sudden, don't you think...? Especially when we're already that close to each other while holding h-hands.

Tia: (Geis... he's stuttering...?) *Stare at him* (...Maybe I should try again, just to be sure...)

Geis: ...Wh-what?

Tia: *Slowly kiss him again*

Geis: *Widen his eyes* ........ (S-somehow....it...) *Slowly close his eyes* (It...feels good...)

Geis hesitated for a bit before place his hand on her waist and gently grip on it. They stayed like that again for a few minutes before pulling away for air.

Geis: ......... *Blush* ...T-tell me that you did it again just because of that mistletoe...

Tia: *Blush* ...The first one was because of it but.... *Rest her head on his chest* I-I...just want to. I couldn't stop thinking about...the kiss we accidentally shared...

Geis: *Flustered* .....I-I thought you're trying to protect your first kiss. Why would you even want to kiss me of all people...?

Tia: D-don't you get it...? *Look at him* I...I actually...

Tia was about to confess her feelings when a certain someone greet them.

Adol: Hey sorry I was late! Ernst didn't want to let me go since he was working so I decided to go with him.

Ernst: Hey hey~!

Adol: Sorry for not telling you guys sooner-!

Adol and Ernst immediately realized how red their faces were. Geis tried to hide his blushing face but failed miserably. Tia, on the other hand, was too embarrassed that she collapsed.

Geis: *Catch her* T-Tia-?! *Shook her gently* W-wake up! Wh-what are you going to say to me!?

Adol: *Realize something* ........ *Whisper* ....Whoops. I think we just interrupted the confession.

Ernst: *Whisper back* ...Yeah...we came at bad timing...

Adol: ...But hey, at least we get to see this side of him. It's refreshing.

Ernst: Yeah...

Geis was worried about Tia...but then he angrily yelled at them for making them wait. Adol and Ernst only shrugged it off before they decide to hang out for a whole day.

To be continued..

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