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Valentine's Day Special


Valentine's Day. A perfect day for any couples. Marsh prepared his chocolates for his beloved, Tora. However, he remembered how Tora dislikes chocolates because of a certain incident. He couldn't think of anything sweet he can make for Tora so he decided to ask Comomile for help.

Comomile: Hehe! I didn't expect you to call me, Marshie! So you want to know what Tora likes?

Marsh: Yeah...I want to make him something sweet. I'll cook some steaks just for him but I don't know about his favourite sweets...

Comomile: Tora-chan hm...oh! Recently, I saw him eat some chocolate chip cookies! He really enjoyed it~

Marsh; I see...cookies huh. Alright, thanks for that info, Como-chan.

Comomile: Hehe, you're welcome! Goodluck!

They ended the call.

Marsh: Chocolate chip cookies...if that's he can eat then I'll make the most delicious chocolate cookies for him!


Marsh spent his whole day, making perfect chocolate chip cookies for Tora and Kohaku. It have shapes of animal paws. He went to Tora's house, which he was greeted by Kohaku.

Kohaku: Ah, Marsh-nii-chan! *Went to him* Come to visit us again?

Marsh: Hehe, hey there Kohaku-chan. *Pat her head* Yeah. I'm here to give you this. *Gave her cookies* Today is Valentine's Day.

Kohaku: Chocolates!? Yay! *Took it* Thank you Marsh-nii-chan! Onii-chan! Come look! Marsh-nii-chan is here with chocolates!

Tora walked downstairs and spotted Marsh.

Tora: Ah Marsh. Sorry, I was writing some lyrics in my room.

Marsh: Nah that's fine.

Kohaku: Look Onii-chan! Marsh-nii-chan gave me some chocolates!

Tora: Hmm? Ohh...today is Valentine's Day. *Smile* Why don't you put it in a bowl?

Kohaku nodded and hurriedly went inside to find her bowl.

Marsh: Happy Valentine's Day, Tora. Here. I made this for you. *Gave him the cookies.*

Tora: Happy Valentine's Day to you too. Thanks. *Took it* ...Cookies huh? *Smile* I didn't think you know about how I can eat chocolate cookies.

Marsh: Uh...I called Como-chan for help yesterday. She's the one who gave me advices.

Tora: I see...thanks for the consideration.

Marsh: But why you don't like chocolates...like the totally chocolates looking ones? I heard it was because of an incident...

Tora: *Blush* ....I don't want to talk about it...

Tora remembered how he got curious and ate the chocolates contain alcohol on it...and how he accidentally say a some sort of confession for Marsh out loud.

Marsh: *Smile* We should find Kohaku. She might be having a hard time reaching for her bowl.

Tora: Yeah...but first...

Marsh: ...?

Tora slowly leaned in and kissed him on lips. Marsh widen his eyes for a bit before returning back.

Tora: *Slowly pull away* ...I know it's early but that's my white day present for you.

Marsh: My my, you got more bolder nowadays Tora-chan~

Tora: *Blush* Sh-shut up! L-let's just get inside! It's freezing!

Marsh laughed as they went back inside the house. They played some games with Kohaku before it's nap time for her. When she's asleep, Tora and Marsh cuddled with each other before falling asleep too...

Cuddles and kisses awaits after that!


(A present from me for your birthday~)


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