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A few years after Sophie's death, her grandmother also passed away due to a disease. Her grandfather invited Vladimir to their meeting, much to his surprise. Nonetheless, he came to meet them. However, what he didn't expect was seeing Sophie's real parents appeared.

Grandfather: Kuroki-

It seems they only wanted the inheritance. However during the discussion...

Akane: What!? How come we didn't get any inheritance!? We're family!

Akamatsu: Yeah! Why...! *Point at Vladimir* Why him!? He's not our family!

Vladimir: Yeah...why me? I'm not your...

Kuroki: Vladimir here treats me with kind and respect. Not to mention, he also keep Sophie company even though he didn't want to. He's like a son to me at this point. Plus this is your mother's will. She wanted Vladimir to inherit all of our assets.

Akamatsu: N-no...way. He's a Demon! He's evil!

Kuroki: He may be a Demon but he's kind and helpful to many people. If anything, I'm glad I hired him instead of you!

Akamatsu: Ugh...!

Kuroki: *Went to Vladimir* Vladimir...this is not only my granddaughter and wife's wish, it's also my wish that you'll inherent all if the assets we left behind. You're like a real son to me. You're a great baker...and a great person. I know you'll use it wisely.

Vladimir: Kuroki... *Slowly nod* ...Okay. I will accept it.

Akane: What about us...!?

Akamatsu: Yeah! You're terrible!!

Kuroki: *Angry* I can't believe that you're actually my son...you didn't attend your mother's funeral because you're too 'busy' traveling with your wife, you used the money that was supposed for Sophie's treatment...! I'm cutting ties with you...! *Slam the table* I AM NOT LEAVING A SINGLE DIME FOR YOU GUYS!!

Things just got worse as Akamatsu tried to attack Kuroki but Vladimir intercepted it.

Vladimir: Stop it!

Akamatsu; You are not his son! Why are you interrupting us!?

Vladimir: Because of what he just told you! It doesn't matter if we're not related by blood! What matters is the heart! He accepted me as his son... If you're gonna hurt him, you leave me no choice!

Vladimir decided not to use violence so instead he showed the proof that he's living under Alexander's supervision. They got scared and ran off.

Kuroki: ...Thank you, Vladimir. I owe you one.

Vladimir: *Shake his head* No... don't be. I'm the one who should say that. Thank you...for saying that.

Kuroki: *Smile* ...Now that's settled, I leave all of the assets to you, including the bakery. I know you'll use it wisely.

Vladimir; *Nod* ...I will. Until then, I'll be in your care.

Kuroki smiled before Vladimir decided to leave for today.

Vladimir: *Walk* ........... *Smile a bit* (Son...huh? I'm happy to hear that...)

Vladimir walked home, bumping into Gilbert along the way.

Gilbert: ...You look happy, Vlad. Did something happen?

Vladimir; Hehe...I guess you can say that. Come on, let's go home.

The twins went home together, unaware of the danger they might face...



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