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Xenon's Profile

Full Name: Fukumoto Xenon

Fake Name: Fukumoto North

Nickname: Xenonon (Given by Comomile)

Age: 16

Occupation: Traveler
                          Leader of Radiant

A boy with heterochromia eyes, Xenon is the leader of Radiant and a son to Siro and Sumire.


Having a scary and serious aura around him made most people never tried to approach him. He may be short tempered and loves to pull some pranks on people but in reality, he always there to help his family and friends whenever they need it or not.

In other words, he's a Tsundere--

(Excuse me but I'm NOT a tsundere!!)

Voice lines

Hey, nice to see you here. Are you taking a stroll too?

Chat (When sun comes out):
It's a nice day today...it made me want to pick a fight with someone.

Chat (When it's raining):
Hm...this is a bummer. But I don't mind staying at home for a while. I can study in the meantime.

Chat (When thunder strikes):
Whoa... that sounds way too close! But don't worry, I'll make sure to cast a barrier around us so we won't get hit by it.

Chat (When it snows);
Snow! I can't wait to play in the snow! And throw a snowball at Dad! *Evil laughter*

Good Morning:
*Yawn* Morning...sorry but I want to drink some coffee right now...

Good afternoon;
Yo, I was about to grab some lunch. Want to join me?

Good evening:
Oh, hey there. Hm? Nah, I'm just about to go home. My mom would get worried if I don't come home before night...

Good night:
Are you going to sleep? Goodnight. I'll go to sleep after studying a bit.

Chat (Study):
I personally likes to study about things. Right now, I'm studying about magic and machines.

Favourite food;
Rice with Curry! I prefer the curry to be sweet and spicy at the same time. Oh and don't forget pancakes too!

Favourite Drink:
Hm...I often drink coffee...but it's not my favourite. I actually like strawberry blueberry smoothie with yoghurt. Dad made it for me when I was little. I mean, until now that is. It's my favourite after all.

Favourite Fruit:
Hmm...Strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. I can't really choose, to be honest...

Least Favourite Food;
I'm not that picky...but if I had to choose, I'll say grilled fish. No, I'm not allergic to seafood. It's just...it reminds me of bad times that I had to go through.

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