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After Sophie's death, Vladimir doesn't act like himself. He avoids everyone in the mansion, including Gilbert. One day, he decided to read some books at the garden when Liliana approached him.

Liliana: Hey Vladdy...

Vladimir; *Glance* ..... *Look back at the book* Hey...Liliana-san. What's wrong?

Liliana: I'm the one who should ask you that... *Sit on a chair, facing him* You don't act like yourself recently...are you okay?

Vladimir: ...What do you mean? I'm always like this.

Liliana: Come on, don't lie. Charles told me about you made Gilbert worried. Did something happen...?

Vladimir: It's...nothing.

Liliana noticed that Vladimir wore a half heart necklace.

Liliana: I didn't know you wear that necklace, Vladdy. Where did you get?

Vladimir: ....... *Play with the necklace* I...made it myself.

Liliana: Oh! You're so talented!

Vladimir: ...Thanks...

Liliana: ... You're really not acting like yourself. Vladdy... please tell me what happened.

Vladimir; It's none of your business! I'm fine alright!? *Cover his mouth* S-sorry...I-I didn't mean to...

Liliana: Vladdy...

Vladimir: ....... *Look down* ...My...a close friend of mine confessed her feelings towards me...

Liliana: Oh my! Did you say yes!?

Vladimir: ....I did...but...

Liliana: But...?

Vladimir: ... She's quite energetic for someone who is sick. She's the only one who truly understood me beside Gilbert...I told her that I returned her feelings...but she didn't have much time left by the time she told me...

Liliana: Vladdy...do you mean...

Vladimir: *Shake his head* ... She's not here anymore...I can't see her...forever. *Grit his teeth* I loved her...I truly loved her...I wanted to stay by her side...but before I knew it... she's gone... she's...out of my reach...

Vladimir finally let his tears out as he dropped the book he's holding.

Vladimir; She's gone... I can't...do anything to help her... *Wipe his tears* I wish...I wish somehow...I could...help her back then....

Vladimir continued to let his emotions out. Liliana was silent as she watched Vladimir cried for the first time.

Liliana: ..... *Slowly hug him* Shh..... it's okay Vladdy.... I'm here with you... *Rub his back*

Vladimir: *Sob* ...... (My heart...I can feel my heart breaks whenever I remember Sophie...)

He let his tears out for a while before he finally stops.

Liliana: Are you okay...?

Vladimir: ...A bit...

Liliana: I have no idea...is that mean you were gone for a day was because of her...?

Vladimir: *Nod* ...I...I didn't want to leave...I promised that I'll stay by her side forever...but...I just knew that she'll get mad at me so I went home... *Play with his necklace* ...And this necklace...there was another half that I planned to give her...but you know the whole story...

Liliana: I see...

Liliana is belonged to DarkReidenMai


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