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Ernst's Regret

Leo: Hey bro, what did you do to your lil bro?

Ernst: Huh? What do you mean?

Leo: That scar on his cheek...I heard he got it from you. Why did you do that?

Ernst: I.... *Silent* ...I was...too obsessed with gaining power that I lost sight of who I should've protect. Geis tried to stop me from doing something stupid...but I ended up making a decision that I regret the most.

Leo: And that is, hurting him?

Ernst: ....Not only that, I almost killed him.

Leo: What-!?

Ernst: ...Yeah. I almost killed him with my own hands. *Look at his hands* ...I...finally can see Geis. The first thing I saw from him is...him drowning in his own blood, begging me to stop while crying both in pain and sadness... *Grip his hands* I...I finally realised how could I almost lost my only brother...So I stopped. I asked my fairies to heal him but they couldn't heal the now scar on his cheek.

Leo: Damn...what a history. You must be having a hard time, remembering that event.

Ernst: Yes...but that is my own fault. I won't ask him to forgive me...nor I can't show how regretful I was for the fact that I...never showed any care for him. Geis may say that he'll forgive me...but somewhere in my mind, I felt like he won't ever trust me. Not after the stunt I pulled...

Leo: Ah...then...why do you want to get stronger though...?

Ernst: ....I...want to protect Geis. I want to protect him from harm...but...I even failed him. He got kidnapped by those fake churchs where we used to live and being experimented on. I...I wish I'm the one whom they kidnapped...

Leo: ...... *Pat his back* ...But hey, at least you got a chance to prove yourself. Just act like your usually do. I'm sure you'll be fine bro. If I can make things right with Tora, why can't you?

Ernst: ...Thanks. I need that.

Leo: *Grin*

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