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Maia: I've been thinking...Tora and Geis are kinda similar in so many ways.

Xenon: What makes you say that?

Maia: Well...if you say something true about them, they would act like angry cats. They're strong and can use magic too...selfless, soft and kind inside... they're actually quite similar...

Xenon; ...Mai, you know they'll get angry if you say that to them...

Maia: Also...there is something I noticed too...

Xenon: ...Hm?

Maia: Tora is mean to Leo...and Geis is mean to this childhood friend of his...um...Adol was it?

Xenon: Yeah...?

Maia: They were mean towards them...but also the one who will save them whenever they're in danger.

Xenon: *Widen his eyes* ........ *Laugh* Now you mention it, they are quite similar! I bet they're either butting their heads or actually getting along!

Just then, they spotted Geis and Tora talking with each other. Or rather... yelling to each other.

Tora: I challenge you to a fight!

Geis: Bring it on! I'll make you regret it!

Xenon: Ahh they're headbutting again.

Maia; ...Hm? They don't really take their weapons out...

Tora: *Sigh* ...You know what, this is stupid.

Geis: *Sigh* ... You're right.

Tora: I don't want anyone to think that I'm like that stupid lion.

Geis: And I don't want anyone to think that I'm somehow a two goody shoes as that idiot...

Tora & Geis: *Widen their eyes* ......... *Grab each other hands* ...We shared the same sentiment. *Sparkle*

Xenon: S-somehow they look like they're getting along...

Maia: Yeah... isn't that great?

Xenon: *Sweatdrop* (...They probably bond with each other because of that 'one' friend who loves to cause trouble...)



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