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Tails & Grey

A Fox and A wolf...

Fire and Ice...

Tails and Grey...

You probably think they won't get along right?


In fact, they're best friends-

Take one: Freezer

Tails took some berries from the fridge before he heard some noises coming from one of the freezers. He opened and see what's inside...

Grey: *Inside the freezer, eating ice cream* .......

Tails: *Stares at him* .......

Grey: .....What? It's hot outside....

Tails: *Sweatdrop* I know that....but you should get out or Vladimir will get mad at you again...plus you're on a wrong freezer! This is not yours, it's the other one!

Grey; Ah....my mistake....

Just then, they heard Vladimir called Sumire's name.

Grey; Oh...no...

Tails: *Quickly close the freezer & act like nothing happened*

Vladimir: Sumire~! Where is she....? *Notice him* Oh Tails. Perfect timing. Have you seen Sumire?

Tails: Hm? Sumire? Nope...at least, she haven't enter the kitchen yet...

Vladimir: I see...by the way, where's Grey? The weather is rather hot today so I figured he's here too...

Tails: Ahh, I haven't seen him yet. I already checked the freezers and he wasn't inside.

Vladimir: Good...because I hope he's not on a wrong one again. I brought that thing just for him. *Walk away*

Tails: ....... *Was about to open the freezer*

Vladimir: *Suddenly appear* Oh and if Sumire is here, tell her that I was looking for her. *Left*

Tails: *Hold his chest* Oh, holy... that scares me off! *Slowly open* Anyway...I believe you owe me one, Grey.

Grey: Thanks...for covering for me...

Tails: Now let's replace these ices before he finds out.

Take Two: Sharing is Caring


ails: .........

Grey: ...........

They were staring at each other with Vladimir sleeping under the tree.

Vladimir: ......Zzz....

Tails: ....So, you also want to join hm?

Grey; ...Yes.

Tails: *Chuckle* Well, I'm supposed we are under his command...so sharing is caring right?

Grey: .... Let's work together before they realised it.


Vladimir woke up from his nap before he realised he couldn't move. He look around...

Wolves and a Fox somehow snuggling to sleep with him. Grey turned into his wolf form and act as a pillow while Tails rest his head on Vladimir's lap in his fox form. The other wolves slept near him.

Vladimir: .......... *Sweatdrop* (...I can't move with them around....)

Take Three: Owe You One

Xenon: By the way Tails, you're best friends with Grey right?

Tails: Yes. Why do you ask?

Xenon: Well...you two are polar opposites. Fire and Ice...I thought Grey didn't want to get too close to you like he does to Scarlett.

Tails: Tut tut... you'll be mistaken if you think the elements are the main reason why Grey avoid Scarlett.

Xenon: It's not?

Tails: Scarlett is too noisy and loud for Grey's tastes. Besides, I learn some ice spells during my free time too.

Xenon: But how did you two become so close in the first place?

Tails: Ara? You are rather curious today, my boy. Alright then, since you ask... *Chuckle* He actually saved me from drowning in severe, ice cold water. You should know that Vladimir used to be clumsy around ice. He would fall down and hit his head on it.

Xenon: Eh...!?

Tails: *Chuckle* Ahhh... memories. I was able to push him out in time but unfortunately, I took the blow and fall in the water. It was really cold that day...as soon as I was drenched in water, my whole body freezed almost immediately.

Xenon; Oh god, that sounds terrible...

Tails: Fortunately, Grey came to rescue me in the nick of time. Vladimir quickly made some fire for me while apologizing none stop... Brr...just thinking about it makes me feel cold.

Xenon: You're so lucky that one time...

Tails: And so, that's where Vladimir decided to make a pact with him and his pack. We're close ever since.

Xenon: I see...so elements have nothing to do with it. I was worried that if he get too close with someone who have fire abilities, he would melt...

Tails: Oya? You're curious... Wanna see what happen if I do that then?

Xenon: No!!

Tails: *Laugh* It was a joke, don't worry. I won't do that to my friend.



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