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few years after Dracula's defeat, Gilbert and Sumire finally got married to one another. They congratulate them before going on their separate ways. Vladimir continued to travel around before settled down in Fallmont. Gilbert--going by the name Fukumoto Siro--lived somewhere near Estoark with his family. It's hidden though. Only people he trusts can enter.

They often wait for the letters they'll received from the twins. However...they haven't received a single letter from them before...

Sumire: ......

Alexander: What's the matter, Sumire? I'm surprised that you even managed to enter this place.

Sumire: I...used teleportation that Gilbert taught me if I ever caught in trouble...

Vincent: ....So, what's your business here? Why Gilbert isn't with you? We haven't heard anything from the twins lately.

Sumire: ......G-Gilbert...V-Vlad... they're... *Sob*

Sumire started to cry uncontrollably, which means there is only one thing...

Something bad happened to them. It took her a while before she calm down...

Sumire: *Wipe her tears* I-I'm sorry...

Alexander: It's okay...so what's wrong...? Did something happened to you?

Sumire: ........ *Look down* Actually... something bad happened... *Wipe her tears* M-my son...he got kidnapped by someone in Fallmont...and V-Vlad...he... *Cover her face* He...almost died from blood loss after trying to protect my son...Gilbert managed to save him but...Vlad just won't wake up....Gilbert...he...was starting to lose his mind...I tried to help him the best I could but...even I... couldn't... I'm just...sad... *Sob* ... I'm sorry...I couldn't do anything to help....

Vincent: Vlad got attacked and almost died...!? That's...

Alexander: ...And Gilbert started to lose his mind because of this... (Is this...is this what Dracula want...? They're at their most weakest state...) So that's the reason why we haven't received a letter lately... I'm sorry that I wasn't aware of your situation.

Sumire: Oh, no no! I'm sorry for not informing you earlier... *Look at them* Please...help me...! At this rate, Gilbert will hurt himself...and I don't know where the kidnapper took Xenon to...! Please... please...help me....

Vincent were quick enough to prevent the exhausted Sumire from hitting the floor.

Vincent: This is serious, Alex... Their family are at their weakest states...

Alexander: ... Don't worry. We will do something. After all, they're part of our family.

Vincent: ...Should we tell them?

Alexander: ...Not yet. Charles and Liliana would go crazy if they hear this. They cared for the twins as much as we do. Take Sumire to a room. She need her rest.

Vincent: Understood.

Unknown to them, it was already too late...

Charles: Gilbert...and Vlad...

Liliana: *Cover her mouth* V-Vladdy....no...I can't...b-believe it...

Charles: Liliana... *Grip his hands* Those idiots....why didn't they....

Liliana: V-Vladdy....no...



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