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Geis: ...Siro, you're...a Demon right?

Siro: Yes. And I would be happy if you keep quiet about my own identity.

Geis: Yeah I will but...I have a question to ask.

Siro: Hmm?

Geis: Did...Aniki...no--Ernst make a contract with you when he was little?

Siro: Ernst...I must say that I haven't.

Geis: *Sigh* I see...

Siro: ....But he did made a contract with my twin older brother.

Geis: You have a twin brother...!?

Siro: Yup. Your older brother made a contract with my older brother.

Geis: This is... (I didn't think that I would meet his younger brother...)

Siro: Neither did I. I didn't expect that you're his little brother too.

Geis: O-oh yeah... (Wait, did he just read my mind?)

Siro: Accidentally.

Geis: You can read minds too...?

Siro: *Chuckle* .... I'm a Demon after all. It may be a challenge for Humans but reading minds are one of the most common and easy skill for Demons.

Geis: I-I see...

Siro: ....But I have to say, my twin would never be interested in this kind of thing. Rather, he would avoid it at all cost. Do you remember what happen when you're little?

Geis: *Shake his head* It's not much...but my family... we're from ancestors who betrayed "Angel".

Siro: ...I think I know where this is going. You know what, let me guess your situation. Your family is a crazy bunch who wants to obtain that angel's power right?

Geis: Y-yeah. I'm surprised that you're able to guess that at all...

Siro: Just a hunch. Anyway, your brother probably did something and caught my brother's attention. Like I said earlier, he would avoid this at all cost.

Geis: If you don't know then I don't know either..

Siro: Hmm...then I'll ask you. By any chance, did your brother... neglected you after he obtained something powerful?

Geis: ....!

Siro: ....I knew it. I suppose he agreed because he want to teach him a lesson.

Geis: What do you mean...?

Siro: Judging from your reaction, it seems Ernst is crazy about obtained power yet he tried to save you from death. Am I in a right direction?

Geis: ...Y-yeah...

Siro: Hm...I see. *Ghost smile* ...If that's the case...then if you want to know more, ask my twin brother. But finding him will be tricky.

Geis: What why?

Siro: He may be working as a baker...but he is a Demon after all.

Geis: Can't you tell me instead?

Siro: Sorry kid, I do know what happened but deal is a deal. I can't tell you the reason why he helps you two out unless he wants me to. Hmhm...maybe you should think of this as a test.

Geis: A test? For what?

Siro: *Chuckle* ...I dunno. Try to find him. Find him to get the answers you want.

Geis: (Demons and their trivial way of talking....) *Sigh* ...Fine. If I find him, I want you to teach me more about magic.

Siro: *Laugh* You got yourself a deal! Goodluck.

Geis: *Nod*

Geis immediately left, trying to find Vladimir. Unknown to him...

Vladimir: *Walk out from his hiding spot* ....He doesn't even notice that I'm nearby.

Siro: *Chuckle* Yeah. He still have a lot to learn... *Look at him* ...No wonder you've been asking Tails and Grey to watch over the bakery recently. You've been following him from the shadows.

Vladimir: I'm just interested in how he'll handle his newfound powers. After all, he is the one who wants to stop his crazy-for-power brother.

Siro: Hah...I knew it. So, when will you tell him?

Vladimir: Hmhm...until he noticed me of course. Just like Xenon, he have potential.

Siro: You're right... *Silent* ... They're just like us.

Vladimir: Huh? How so?

Siro: They're born in crazy-for-power family. Their ancestors are jerks to high rank beings...and that Ernst...is like me, crazy for power. Geis is like you, trying to stop us from doing the stupid thing. *Laugh a bit* The only difference is that I actually didn't want that power and I'm the youngest.

Vladimir: Now you mention it, you're right... *Chuckle* .... I'll be looking forward to meet Geis in person soon.

Siro: Ahahaha, he's an interesting one. You'll like him.

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