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Tora's Popularity

Tora: I've been invited to a party...?

Tora's boss, Ryou called Tora to his office and informed about the invitation to a party.

Ryou: Yeah. *Look at the letter* Even though you're still new to this business, your popularity went insanely up especially when you have been praised and acknowledged by most famous idols.

Tora: Hm...who though?

Ryou: Apparently it's one of the nobles. They have a birthday party for their son coming this sunday. They told me that they want you to come to their party to perform for their son. He's a huge fan of yours.

Tora: I-I see...

Ryou: Of course, feel free to reject the offer.

Tora: .... I'll go. But on one condition....


Tora went to the party that invited him. He was wearing clothes that Sumire made for him. He didn't bother to fix his bangs since he didn't want to scare anyone and caused a scene so his bangs hid his eyes. Staring at the huge mansion...with Xenon beside him.

Xenon: I...have no idea why you dragged me into this.

Tora: Because you're the only one that I can count on when it comes to this kind of events! I don't want to go here alone...

Xenon: Gee, you sounds like a lost child... *Sigh* ...Well, I'll help you out alright? You owe me.

Tora: Right... let's go in.

They went inside the mansion. As they expected, everything was too grand from a commoner's point of view. Just then, two nobles came to greet them.

Noble man: Ah if it isn't the famous Tora and North! Welcome to our home!

Tora: Ah...h-hello. Are we too early...?

Noble lady: Yes. But that's exactly why we want you to come early. We would like you two to eat our food made by famous chefs.

Xenon: Won't we ruin the surprise though...?

Noble lady: Oh it won't. Our son is at other room, playing with his friends. It will be an hour before your performance. Please enjoy our party for now.

They thanked the married couple before they went to the dining table. As they picked some food, Tora noticed there were some female nobles who kept staring at them.

Tora: *Fidget on his seat* .....

Xenon: *Whisper* ...Are those girls made you uncomfortable?

Tora: *Nod* Y-yeah...

Xenon: Just ignore them. Oh wait here, I'll get some drinks.

Xenon left to get some drinks for both of them. Tora waited for a minute before he got splashed by water.

Tora: *Flinch* Wha-!?

Noble lady 1: *Giggle* Oh my! I'm sorry! My hand slipped!

Noble lady 2: *Snicker* You're such a klutz!

Tora: *Silent* (Ugh... it's obvious they're doing this on purpose. I know that look everywhere...) *Rummage through his bag* (Good thing Kohaku forces me to bring a towel...)

As Tora wiped his face, his bangs went up and everyone immediately gasped at the sight.

Woman 1: Oh my goodness...! He's so hot...! He's like that one famous idol...!

Woman 2: Isn't he that Tora, a new idol that got acknowledged by famous idols...!? I...I have no idea that he attended this party...!

Tora: *Realize his mistake & cover his eyes* (Crap...! So much for being careful!)

Noble lady 1: Oh...! I-I'm so sorry about that...! How about I bring you to a room and ask for a change of clothes...?!

Noble lady 2: Ohh you don't want to go with her. She poured that water on purpose! I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen...

Noble lady 1: H-huh!? You're the one who suggested it!

Noble lady 2: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Xenon walked towards them and splashed the water on them.

Xenon: Whatever the case, you two still did that to him on purpose. Stay away from him you ugly bi**h.

The noble ladies immediately run away since their make up and clothes got ruined by the water. The married couple came after hearing a commotion. Xenon explained the situation to them. The married couple apologized on their behalf before making a call to someone.

Tora: ...Thanks for that.

Xenon: No problem. But still, you could've fight back.

Tora: I... don't want to cause troubles by ruining a child's birthday.

Xenon: *Chuckle* You're right. Wouldn't want to ruin this special day. Since I cleaned your clothes with magic... You're ready to perform?

Tora: Yeah. Let's do this.



he surprise was a complete success as the birthday boy was really happy to see Tora singing a song, just for him. He went home with Xenon.

Tora: *Exhausted* .... I'm tired...

Xenon: Ahahaha well, a lot of people greet you after the performance. Good work.

Tora: Hm...thanks. I'm glad I chose you to come with me. If I chose Leo...I don't want to know what will happened to them.

Xenon: Yeaah Leo definitely won't show any mercy once he's mad... especially when you got bullied.

Tora: .....

Xenon: But hey! We showed them who's the boss! I heard they got punished for behaving like that.

Tora: I...guess so.

Xenon: Now let's go home, handsome boy-!

Tora: Sh-shut up!

Xenon: *Laugh*

As they walked home, Tora suddenly realized how lucky he is to have a friend like Xenon. He wished that their friendship will stay true until the end....


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