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Vladimir and Gilbert have been travelling for quite a long time before Charles read a letter from Gilbert...


harles: What...!?

Liliana: What's wrong Charles...? You look kinda pale...

Charles: Uh... (Should I...? Yeah...I think everyone should know...) Let's go to Alexander's office. It's important.

A few minutes later, everyone gathered at Alexander's office to hear Charles's news.

Charles: Um Alexander...you did told us about how Dracula managed to escape, right?

Alexander: Yes, I did. Is this something to do with him?

Charles: *Nod* Yeah... according to Gilbert, Dracula showed himself in front of the twins but... *Look down* ...From this letter, Gilbert told me that...Vlad was... working together with him.

Vincent: What...!?

Liliana: V-Vladdy...!? N-no...that can't be true...!

Charles: Wait wait! Hear me out! Anyway... *Look at the letter* ... Gilbert wrote that something is going on with Vlad. Dracula even said that he have done something to Vlad in the past...

Alexander: Hm...then there is a possibility that Vlad actually have a curse on him.

Charles: What makes you so sure...?

Alexander: Don't forget, Dracula is one of a few strongest Demons out there. And he is well known for giving specific curses to certain individuals.

Vincent: You're trying to say...that we actually didn't notice about that? Vlad have been inflicted with a powerful curse this whole time....?

Liliana: ......!! (All this time...Vladdy...is in pain and we... didn't notice...?)

Alexander: .... It's a possibility.

Vincent: ....You trust Vlad even after hearing this?

Alexander; ...You all should know how loyal the twins are by now. I think everyone shared that same feelings.

Charles & Liliana: *Nod*

Vincent: ....Glad that I'm not the only one then.

Alexander: Anyway, we should meet up with Gilbert later on and listen to what he'll say.

Liliana: ...........

Everyone agreed to meet Gilbert tomorrow. However Liliana...

Liliana: ....... *Stare at the necklace Vlad gave her* (Vladdy... betrayed us? No...that can't be true. I know there is a reason why he work together with Dracula...I need some answers...) *Gasp silently before taking out the bell* (If I need him, he'll come right...? He will right...?)

Liliana rang the bell. Silence filled the room...as she was about to think that Vladimir lied, she heard some knocking from the window. When she opened it...

Vladimir: ........

Liliana: Vla--!

Vladimir: Shh! Not too loud. *Went inside*

Liliana: I-I thought you won't come...

Vladimir: Hey, I won't break my promise just like that. *Sigh silently* ... Judging from your reaction, it seems Gilbert already told you guys.

Liliana: Wh-why...you decide to work together with Dracula? What happened...?

Vladimir: ....... *Look down* ...I... it's not like I actually want to work with him...but...

Liliana: Vladdy... you're injuried too...let me heal--

Vladimir: No Liliana-san. I don't want to get caught by him...listen carefully, Dracula...he gathered every Demons who hate Alexander to death to declare a war against him. I know all of this because this is what he planned when I was a child.

Liliana: Eh...so that means...

Vladimir: Taking your eyes was a part of his plan...me and Gilbert as his secret weapons...were also a part of his plan.

Liliana: No...

Vladimir: That's why...I have to do this. I have to make sure everyone will be safe when the time comes.

Liliana: But...! You'll put yourself at risk...!

Vladimir: *Shake his head* ...I have to. I don't want anything bad happened to everyone...so please Liliana-san...please believe in me.

Liliana: Vladdy... *Nod* ...Okay. But... don't die. You promise...?

Vladimir: *Nod* I promise. Please tell everyone about what I just told you. I want everyone to get prepared...and you can count on my traveling companions too. Sorry to cut this short...but I have to go. Dracula will be suspicious if I don't come back.

Liliana: Okay...please, come back safe and sound.

Vladimir gave her one last smile before he left...

Liliana, Alexander, Vincent and Charles are belonged to DarkReidenMai


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