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After Vladimir woke up from his coma, most things went back to normal. Except...

Vladimir and Liliana were at the kitchen, preparing some cakes for their friends...

Liliana: .........

Vladimir: ........... *Awkward* (...I-is she mad at me...? She haven't say anything since we're alone...I-I mean, even that incident was out of my hand but...yeah, I kinda broke the promise I had with her...) ...Um...Liliana-san...

Liliana: .........

Vladimir: Er...

Liliana: ...Why are you still call me that?

Vladimir: Eh...? What are you saying, Liliana-sa--

Liliana: There you go again...! We've been together for a long time yet...yet you still call me with... *Pout* ...Even though you're the one who gave me that nickname...Gilbert told me that you've been calling me Lily behind my back ever since you were a child...

Vladimir: ......!! (I-is that why she's mad...!? Because I still call her Liliana-san...!?) Erm....how should I put this...? I...I don't want to remind you about...that person...I mean sure, I am the one who gave you that nickname but...he kinda stole it from me so...

Liliana: (Is that why he doesn't want to call me that...? Oh...Vladdy...) *Went near him* Is that the reason why...?

Vladimir: *Nervous* Uh...I-I...mostly that's the reason why but...erm... (Wh-why am I... feeling nervous when she's near me...?) It's...uh...I just want to make sure if it was okay for me to call you that...

Liliana: *Giggle* Oh you silly demon. Of course you can call me Lily.

Vladimir: *Look away, blushing* ........L....Lily...san.

Liliana: Mou...! Stop adding "-san" to my name! Just call me Lily!

Vladimir: Eh--!? Ah--....L...Lily...

Liliana: *Smile* Good.

Vladimir: *Scratch his cheek* ..... *Continue cutting the strawberries*

Liliana: ....So Vladdy, do you have a girlfriend?

Vladimir: Huh? But... you're one of my girlfriends.

Liliana: Nooo! I meant, girlfriend on romantic level!

Vladimir: *Accidentally cut the cutting board* H-hah!? No! Why would anyone want to date me of all people!?

Liliana: Then...is there someone you're interested in?

Vladimir: Wh-why are you asking me?

Liliana: I believe I ask you first-

Vladimir: Er...I-I'm not really sure, to be honest. I just thought that people won't be interested on dating me so I hardly got attached to any women.

Liliana: Ohh...

Vladimir: Plus even if they did, they would always wear some revealing clothes! That alone is enough to make me uncomfortable...

Liliana: (No wonder Vladdy always look uncomfortable whenever women talks to him...)

Vladimir: .... However.... if it's you, I think I'm okay with it.

Liliana: H-huh?

Vladimir: Well...there are times you wore some revealing clothes...but I actually don't really mind at all. I suppose I trust you on personal level.

Liliana: *Blush* I-I see....so that means...you don't have a girlfriend yet...

Vladimir: Hm? Yeah. Why do you ask anyway?

Liliana: ....... (...I should take my chance to make a move...!) *Went closer* Vladdy....what if....I want to stay by your side forever...?

Vladimir: *Doki* Uh...w-well...of course I'll be happy.

Liliana: *Blush before gently place her hand on his* What if I meant... romantically?

Vladimir: Wh-what are you trying to say...?

Liliana: V-Vladdy...I...I actually...

Liliana went closer to Vladimir's face as she gently grip his hand. He could only stare at her with wide eyes and red face. Suddenly...

Xenon: Uncle Vlad--!!

Liliana: *Flinch & immediately tried to act normal by cutting the cake*

Vladimir: *Was frozen in place*

Xenon: *Enter the kitchen* Dad was asking me to tell you that he-- *Notice the awkwardness in the air* --...Um...is everything okay?

Vladimir: *Blink* Wh-what? Oh, did G-Gilbert ask you to find me?

Xenon: Y-yeah...but is everything okay? You two look...red.

Vladimir: *Red face* I-I'll go see Gilbert....s-sorry Lilia--...Lily but I had to see him...

Liliana: *Red face* O-oh, okay...see you later...

Vladimir immediately walk out of the kitchen, feeling shy all of the sudden.

Xenon: ........... *Look at her* ...Did I just ruin your confession or something?

Liliana: N-no! I did not-!

Xenon: I knew it!

Liliana: Nooo-!

Little did she know, Vladimir was too embarrassed that he collapsed as soon as Gilbert talk to him...



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