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Vladimir & Tora Interactions

Take one: Head Pats

Vladimir: Ohhh you're good at this, Tora. *Pats Tora* Great work.

Tora: *Flinch* Wha-- *Slap his hands away* What the hell-!? Don't wipe your hand on my hat!

Vladimir: Ah...sorry. (Does he actually hate head pats...?)

Take two: Head Pats

Vladimir: Great job Tora! *Pat him* I knew you can do it!

Tora: ........ *Flinch & slap his hand away* Stop that! Don't touch me! *Grumble while walking away*

Vladimir: Ah...sorry. (Man...this habit of mine. I gotten used to pat everyone here...)

Tora: .......

Leo: ....You look happy, Tora.

Tora: *Embarrassed* Sh-shut up!

Take three: Head Pats

Vladimir: Good work, Tora. You're good at this! *Was about to pat him but stopped* .... (Wait, he'll just slap my hand again.)

Tora: *Was expecting him to pat his head* .......... *Look down* .....At....

Vladimir: Huh?


Vladimir: Wha--!? Uh--...o-okay... *Pats him*

Tora: *Looks a bit happy*

Vladimir: *Sweatdrop* (... He's like an angry cat...one minute he'll scratch you and one minute, he'll be demanding some attention...this tiger...)

Take one: Fishing

Vladimir: ...I heard you like fishing. How is that fun?

Tora: You wait in silence and then get fishes. You get to eat what you catch.

Vladimir: .......

Take two: Fishing

Vladimir: This is too boring! I have to stay still for how long?!

Tora: Until you catch something. And not too loud! You'll scare it away!

Vladimir: But you're being loud too!

Tora: Shut it!

Take three: Fishing

Vladimir: ...Huh. I guess I know why you like fishing so much.

Tora: Hm?

Vladimir: You fall in love with a fish and then eat them? That's messed up...

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