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Vladimir & Liliana


He may be a troublemaker but he's actually quite nice, loyal and selfless only to his family and his trusted friends.

Naturally, every girls he befriend with started to see him in a romantic way... including Liliana. Now she have known him ever since he was a child. They were taken in by Alexander and living under the same roof for years after all. She started to have feelings for Vladimir because of how he always kept his promises. But now, she started to feel uneasy...

Because one of his closest friend, Raphial have developed deep romantic feelings towards Vladimir and recently shown some bold moves towards him. Vlad being Vlad, he was clueless about her advances.

So now...Liliana decided to finally make her move; Confess her feelings!

Sumire: ...So you want to tell him how you really feel?

Liliana: *Play with her fingers* Y-yes...but I'm not sure how...

Sumire: *Ponder* .....Hm.... *Got an idea* Oh! I know!

Liliana: R-really? What's your idea...?

Sumire whispered her plan to Liliana, who nodded before blushing on whatever Sumire said.


As usual, Liliana were having a little tea party with Vladimir.

Vladimir: ... What's wrong Lily? You're a bit quiet today...

Liliana: Vladdy....

Vladimir: Y-you look so serious...what happened?

Liliana: *Look at him* ....What if I got married to someone...

Vladimir: *Lag* ........... *Widen his eyes* Wh-wha--?! Am I not invited to your wedding!?

Liliana: Wh-what if! It's if! What are you gonna do if I got married...!

Vladimir: ....Oh. *Embarrassed by his misunderstanding* ....I would.... *Look down* I-I... don't want you to marry...

Liliana: Why...?

Vladimir: I...do want you to be happy but...I don't want anything happen to you. I...hate seeing you sad.

Liliana: Th-then...what if I already have someone in mind...?

Vladimir: You haven't go out with this someone but you already planned to marry him?? That's no good, Lily! You'll need to get to know that person before getting married! What if he's nice on the outside but an evil demon like Dracula inside!?

Liliana: *Sweatdrop* You're kinda miss the point...

Vladimir: No??

Liliana: *Silently scream inside* (He's cute when he's like this...but frustrating at the same time...! This is no use...! Gilbert was right...Vladdy is so clueless...!!)

Vladimir: ...Why are you pouting?

Liliana: *Pout* ...Argh! You didn't get it, Vladdy!

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