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Vladimir: Bella-nee-san, you seems to like saunas a lot. Do you have saunas at home?

Bella: Ah...yeah. I do. My place are always snowy so I like to keep myself warm with a sauna I owned.

Siro: You like snow as well...?

Bella: I love snow! ...Well, it's mostly because that's the only time Mother and Father won't be home for the whole winter.

Siro: I know that feeling...so, how do you enjoy your sauna?

Bella: Hm... it's best if you come to my house for a better look.

They decided to go to Bella's house. When they arrived...

???: Ah Bella. You're back early.

Bella: Oh darling. I didn't know you're back early as well.

Vladimir: Who is he...?

Bella: Oh, this is my fiance, Ethan.

Siro: I see...wait what!? You have a fiance!? Already!?

Bella: Of course I do silly! Ethan, meet my siblings, Vladimir and Gilbert. You two, meet Ethan, my fiance.

Ethan: Hello. I'm Ethan Cooper. I'm a fiance to your big sister here. *Look at them* I heard a lot about you two from Bella. And uh...from the rumours too. But I decide to trust Bella's judgement so I hope you'll trust me too.

Siro: .... I'm surprised that you have a gentleman fiance despite you're lacking manners yourself.

Bella: Wha--!? How dare you say that about your big sister!?

Vladimir: I uh... can't deny that.

Bella: Not you too!

Ethan: *Laugh* True. She may be lacking manners and a tomboy herself but I love it just the way she is.

Bella: *Blush* You sweet talker...

Siro: *Snicker* My my, so sweet in front of us are we?

Bella: Mou! Stop teasing me!

Ethan: *Laugh* So, what's the occasion? Oh, by any chance, are you gonna enjoy the sauna we have here?

Vladimir: Talking about sauna...I have a question. Why are you half naked, Ethan? Aren't you embarrassed by the lack of clothing!?

Ethan: Oh this? I was about to enter the sauna myself.

Vladimir: That doesn't really explain why you're half naked though...

Bella: Hehe, maybe it's the best time to show you how we enjoyed our sauna.


The siblings were getting ready as Bella said they need to change their clothes. Vladimir refused to be half naked like Ethan so he wears a tank top.

Vladimir: So, why do we have to be half naked in the middle of a winter?

Bella: Do you see the hole in the lake?

Siro: *Look* ...Yeah, we can see it. What's up with that?

Ethan: Before we enter the sauna ourselves, we have to dive inside that water.


Vladimir: Uwah...you guys are extreme...

Since the twins were hesitating, Ethan decided to give them some demonstration. Ethan did just that...without hesitation. He even dived in for a bit before coming out.

Ethan: *Not even shivering at all* Now it's your turn.

Siro: You're not cold at all...?!

Vladimir nervously stared at the water before slowly walk in the freezing water.

Vladimir: ...COLD!! *Hold his breath & dive in*

Siro: Wh-why did you have to do that?! Now I have to do that...!?

Vladimir: *Quickly went out of the water* So cold-!!

Siro hesitanted for a bit before following his brother's actions.

Siro: *Start yelling out curses as he went inside the water* Holy ****!! ****!! *************!!!!

Ethan: Damn, he sure can yell out a lot of curse words than you are, Bella.

Bella: That's my brother!

The twins quickly went inside the sauna to warm up.

Siro: How could you do this to us!? It's freezing outside and you forced us to dip in a freezing water!! *Sneeze*

Vladimir: *Shivering* I-I must say, this is not what I expected either...even Father didn't really force us to dip inside this freezing water...

Bella: *Chuckle* That's what makes saunas more enjoyable!

Ethan: I already prepared some hot chocolates for you. *Offer them drinks*

Siro: *Drink it* Can't believe you would be this extreme...

Bella: *Proud* Hmhm, what do you think? Your big sister is amazing right?

Siro: If you're talking about the most amazing sibling ever, I still vote for Vlad.

Bella: Nani--!? Why Vlad--!?

Vladimir: Oh god...here we go again...

Ethan: You must be a good big brother to Gilbert huh? *Chuckle* Just between you and me, Bella thinks you make a wonderful big brother and secretly wish that you're older instead.

Vladimir: I...uh... I-I'm flattered.

Ethan: *Laugh* But then again, I like the way you are. If I remember correctly, you're quite innocent...

Vladimir: Wh-what are you implying?

Ethan: Oh nothing ~

Vladimir: Somehow I have a bad feeling about this...

They spend their time together before deciding to sleep there for a day...



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