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Sick Gilbert!

After Vladimir betrayed them, they were feeling a bit lost. Gilbert was especially taken aback by Vladimir's actions since he got sick right away.

Gilbert: *Breath heavily* ......

Sumire: Gilbert...

Kayda: ...He must be really shocked. Judging from his...reaction, they probably don't have a good relationship with their father.

Takashi: It's rare to see him in this state...

Kimiko: Sh-should we try to make him feel better?

Raphial: I will make some medicine for him...

Kage: I'll help you.

When Kage and Raphial left the room, the others continued to watch over Gilbert. He seems to be having a nightmare...

Gilbert: *Pale as a ghost* ......

Sumire: Gilbert...is he going to be okay...? He looks like he's having a nightmare...

Takashi: Hopefully he will...he can't recover at this rate if he keeps on having nightmare...

Gilbert: ....V-Vlad....

Sumire: (Gilbert...he must be missing Vlad-kun already...but what can I do, as his girlfriend...?)

Kayda: Can you do something about it, Sumi-chan...?

Sumire: Eh...?

Kayda: I mean... Gilbert must've told you something if he happened to be sick right...?

Sumire: ........ *Got an idea* I think I know...

Sumire went closer to Gilbert before kissing him on cheek.

Kimiko: Wha--!? Sumi-chan!! She said if you know how to take care of him, not taking advantage of--!!

Sumire: Shh! Look, I think it's working...!

They look at Gilbert, who have a peaceful look on his face.

Gilbert: ........

Kimiko: Uwah...it is working...

Sumire: *Giggle softly* ...You worked really hard, Gilbert...you deserve a rest...

Gilbert: *Sleeping soundly* (Vlad...I will bring you back...)

Everyone decided to leave Gilbert alone, except Sumire.

Sumire: *Smile* ... It's been a while since I last see his sleeping face... *Wipe his face* ... Don't worry, Gilbert...we will get Vlad-kun back...

Without her knowing, Vladimir was watching them from the shadows.

Vladimir: (... I'm sorry Gilbert...I had to leave you alone for a while...besides... you're not alone anymore...you have Sumire and the others... I'm sorry...)

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