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Vladimir's Pain

(This story contains an event that happened in my original story, When the World Change but I changed it to fit the roleplay-)

After years of living under Alexander's home and turning adults, Vladimir and Gilbert changed drastically. While they are still pranksters at heart, they are quite loyal to everyone whom gained their trust and help whenever they can.

Gilbert already found someone to love...but Vladimir? He's not interested in those things. At least, until the day he met someone...

Vladimir was baking some cakes for the shop when the old couple came.

Old man: Vladimir...you don't have a lot of friends right...? Then I would like to introduce you to someone...

Vladimir: Huh...? No it's fine...

Old woman: Please...consider this as your job...

Vladimir hesitated before giving up and let them be. They closed the bakery and went to the hospital, much to Vladimir's confusion.

Vladimir: Why are we going to the hospital...? Are you sick?

Old man: No...we would like you to meet our sick granddaughter. She doesn't have friends...and we were worried that she might be feeling lonely...

Vladimir: Oh....wait, why me--?

Old woman: We have a feeling that you'll be a great friend to her, Vladimir. Her parents abandoned her because of her condition...so we took her in. I'm sure she's really lonely...and yearn for friends...

Vladimir just went silent as they walked towards their granddaughter's room. When they entered the room, they were greeted by a girl near his age.

???: Grandpa, Grandma...! I thought you're working right now... *Notice* Oh...who is he...?

Old woman: This is our youngest baker, Vladimir Orfeo.

Vladimir; Ah... I'm...Vladimir Orfeo, a baker working for your grandparents. Nice meeting you.

Sophie: I see... I'm Sophie. Sorry that you have to see me like this... I'm not doing well at the moment...

Old man: Then Vladimir...can you accompany her for a while?

Vladimir: Eh..? But what about work...?

Old woman: It's alright...there are other bakers who can take your place for now.

Vladimir just nodded, letting them do whatever they want. The old couple left, leaving the two alone.

Sophie: So...Orfeo--

Vladimir: Vladimir. Call me Vladimir.

Sophie: O-okay... Vladimir. You're a Demon right?

Vladimir; ... Yeah. I'm a Demon.

Sophie: Do you get sick...?

Vladimir: Rarely. Demons are not some sort of sickly beings.

Sophie: How nice...I wish I was a Demon too...maybe I could go outside as much as I want...

Vladimir: ...... *Sigh* ...Then I'll take yoi around, if you want.

Sophie: R-really?! You'll do that!?

Vladimir: *Nod*

Sophie smiled brightly. Vladimir just stared at her before bring a wheelchair to her. That's where their friendship starts...

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