15 (Late Valentine's special)

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Valentine's special!

First Love (XenonxMaia) Highschool AU

Maia: I'll be leaving now!

Himari: Okay! Be careful on your way to school!

Maia left her home as she had to go to school. Daiki was waiting for her near her house and greeted her.

Daiki: Good morning Mai-chan. Did you sleep well last night?

Maia: *Yawn* ...I was awake until 4am...I was playing some games...

Daiki: Mou...I told you not to play games late at night.

Maia: Yes yes mom...

As they were chatting, they noticed the shops were filled with Valentine's Day decorations.

Maia: Ah right... tomorrow is Valentine's Day.

Daiki: ......S-so, are you planning to give chocolates to someone?

Maia: ...Hm? Of course I do. I'll make chocolates for my friends. Including you too of course. I can't forget my best friend now.

Daiki: Eheheh... *Spotted someone* Ah Leo-kun, Como-chan! Tora-kun!

Comomile: Oh Dai-chan and Mai-chan! *Happily wave at them* Hi~!!

Leo: Morning. Today is really cold...

Tora: *Rub his hands together* Cold...

Comomile: Now since they're here, let's go to school together!

They agreed and walk to school together. When they arrived, they hurriedly went inside since it was cold. They changed their shoes when they were greeted by Eirito.

Eirito: Good morning everyone.

Comomile: Oh, good morning Eri-chan! You're early as usual!

Daiki: Do you have student council duties again today?

Eirito: Ahaha...yes, you can say that. The room was so dirty yesterday because of...hm...I do not know who but the room was filled with ripped papers and paper cups...

Tora: ...Why do I have a feeling that we all know who did that?

Eirito: *Laugh nervously* ...If you know who...please keep quiet about it. I do not want him to get into troubles...

Leo: *Laugh a bit* Alright. But where is he anyway?

Eirito: Oh, he is still at home. He did not want to leave too early.

Leo: Typical Xenon. *Laugh*

They exchanged more words before leaving to their respective classrooms. Times passed and it was already lunch time. The girls decided to eat together at the garden to talk about something.

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