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Tora's Broken Heart

After finding out Marsh lost his memories of most people, including him...Tora have this depressed look on his face. He was at a room, looking at the floor.

Tora: *Touch his broken leg* ........ (...I wonder if this is my punishment for ignoring him lately...I...I just don't want him to get involved...but instead...I neglected him...) *Buried his face on a pillow* (...Is it...really okay for me to continue...? I'm...just not happy with my work anymore...I can't even find motivation to sing...maybe being an idol is not for me...)

Just then, he heard a knock.

Tora: Ah...come in...

The door opened, revealing Vladimir.

Vladimir: Are you okay? *Walk towards him*

Tora: *Silent* .......

Vladimir: .... I'll take that as a no. *Sit beside him* Are you still thinking what to do?

Tora: *Nod* .......

Vladimir: ....What do you think? Are you happy with everything lately? You just look tired and depressed. Everyone is worried about you...

Tora: ...I... *Look down* I...I think I'll quit being one...

Vladimir: Oh...?

Tora: I just...I can't. Being an idol is my dream...or rather, was my dream...but recently...I... don't think that's my true calling at all. I...I want to...

Vladimir: ...You want to stay together with your friends right?

Tora: ........ *Nod*

Vladimir: It's okay to be selfish sometimes, Tora. If you thought idols are not for you, what do you want to do?

Tora: I...I think I'll go back being an hunter. Or go traveling like Xenon...it always makes me feel... happy.

Vladimir: *Smile* ...I see. Why don't you tell Marsh once he gets his memory back? I'm sure he'll feel guilty since he'll thinks that you quit because of him.

Tora: ... I'll tell him when the time is right...

Vladimir: *Pat his head* Good. Now get some rest. I'll make something for you.

Tora: *Nod* (... Talking this to Vlad is the best choice...)


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