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Tora, Leo, Comomile-
The Animal Trio-!

Leo: Hey Tora...sorry if this is a sensitive question to you but...before all of that happened, do you still remember about your family?

Tora: .......

Leo: Ah sorry...it was really insensitive of me--

Tora: ....No. It's fine. I...I don't remember much but...I do remember how I used to love them as my family. My mother was a beastman from another village...

Comomile: Eh? But she doesn't have a master like we do right?

Tora: *Shake his head* ....She wasn't like you and Leo. Mai gave you the ability to change into Humans. Mother... she's one of the few who have the pure bloodline of ancient Beastmen...which means she was born with half human, half animal blood without the powers of Animal Summoners.

Leo: I see... we're the same yet different at the same time...so that means you already learn a thing or two before meeting Neko-chan right?

Tora: ...Not much...but yeah. She taught us the Beastmen and Human language.

Comomile: How many siblings do you have, Tora-chan?

Tora: Three. I'm the youngest child...though not that matters since we were triplets. I have a older sister and brother who often play and study together with me. *Silent* ...Good times. Good times...

Comomile: Tora-chan....

Leo: .......

Tora: ... What's that look for?

Comomile: ....It is painful for you to remember, isn't it... You look...sad...

Tora: ......... *Look down* ...I...it does hurt from time to time...but it's fine. I can't run away forever.

Leo: I'm really sorry for everything, Tora...if only I defend you from my family and those bullies sooner then...we probably could've stay as...

Tora: ... Don't blame yourself. You, Como and Mai are only little at the time. Mai probably have realized it as the time passed...maybe that's why your family look sorry for what they did.

Leo: Yeah...I heard from Aslan that she scolded everyone harshly about it. Something about putting in your shoes or like that...

Tora: ... I'll admit that you...Como, Mai and Daiki are the only people who never gave up on me...it...made me happy.

Comomile: *Smile & hug him* Of course... we're the Animal Trio and we have an oath and a promise to fulfill!

Leo: "Protect each other..." And "Animal Trio will never abandon each other!" *Hug both of them* Even though you pushed us away... we'll never give up on each other. That's what we promised when we were kids.

Tora: ........ *Tears coming out* ...Promise?

Comomile & Leo: *Grin* Promise!

The three of them hugged each other as they chat about everything comes to their mind.

Leo: Hey Tora?

Tora: Hm?

Leo: I'm glad we made up. To be honest, I was about to give up but...I guess it's thanks to Xenon who gave me some advice.

Tora: I think he actually knew it from the start...

Leo: I know right? I have that feeling too...but really, I'm glad things are finally back to normal between us.

Tora: Yeah...

Comomile: Nothing beats peace between brothers! ....Ooops.

Tora: .......Heh. It's up to you whether if you think I actually hate you or not.

Leo: Hey!!

Tora: Just kidding. *Silent laugh* ...You haven't changed a bit...idiot lion.

Leo: Oh you...come here you...!

Tora laughed silently as he ran away from an angry Leo. Comomile could only watch and laugh as Leo caught Tora and started to rub his head.



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