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Angelo & Vladimir

Fours days before Vladimir's fateful day...

Little Xenon went back to his hometown, leaving Vladimir alone at his home at Fallmont. He was reading a book outside when he sighed.

Vladimir: ....I know you're there. Show yourself.

Angelo walked out of his hiding spot.

Angelo: ....As I would expect from a high rank Demon. You notice me right away.

Vladimir: *Close his book* ... Obviously. *Stood up* ...Demons and Angels can sense each other after all. Though you're a Fallen Angel yourself... *Fold his arms* ...So? What do you want from me?

Angelo: ...I came here to warn you.

Vladimir: Warn...me? About what?

Angelo: I'm sure you're well aware of your current curse right?

Vladimir: ....!

Angelo: ... I'll be blunt. I'll be the one who have to kill you on that very day. However... I'm...I don't want to do this.

Vladimir: This is a surprise...not only a Fallen Angel warn me in advance...you also don't want to kill me. Why...? We just met.

Angelo: ...True. But...I heard about you from other Angels. They always mentioned about how you would risk yourself to save them.

Vladimir: That's because... *Look away* That's because I don't want Angels to misunderstand. You know Demons. Some of them want chaos and I don't want to get involved somehow.

Angelo: *Chuckle* ...I see...what she said about you is true then...

Vladimir: What?

Angelo: ...No, it's nothing. Anyway... I'm here not only to warn you...but I also have a proposal.

Vladimir: ...Proposal?

Angelo: ...I know you don't want to die, especially when you have a nephew now...but the curse is so powerful that even Angels can't do anything to it. And so, I have an idea on how to break it.

Vladimir; ...Go on.

Angelo: I...you still need to die in order for the curse to break. However, I will revive you back. I can bring you back but to make sure you'll 100% survive...your twin need to sacrifice a lot of mana. And... you'll definitely sleep for years.

Vladimir: ...That...could work. However...if I actually die, Dracula might be ready to take over my body and I don't want that.

Angelo: ... Don't worry. I may be a Fallen Angel now...but I am still an Angel. I will separate the soul that you shared with him.

Vladimir: So that means... I'll be free from him...forever?

Angelo: *Nod* Yes. You will be free.

Vladimir: (...Huh...for a guy like him, I'm surprised that he's a Fallen Angel to begin with...) ...If you don't mind me asking, why are you a Fallen Angel? It just doesn't make any sense.

Angelo: ....I...killed a berserk Demon and a Human Traitor. They killed my little sister.

Vladimir: (Damn...no wonder. Losing your only family is sad...and getting betrayed no less...)

Angelo: ...Even though I killed for my little sister, it won't bring her back. So I decided to... experiment on Humans but at the risk of their own life. That would finally explain why I'm a Fallen Angel.

Vladimir: That explains a lot. So, have you find someone?

Angelo: *Shake his head* ... Unfortunately no. Not yet.

Vladimir: ....Alright. I'll accept your deal. *Fold his arms* ...On two conditions.

Angelo: ....?

Vladimir: ...I promised Gilbert to distract Xenon by bringing him to my house. At very least...let me stay alive until two days later. I don't want to ruin our birthdays... *Look at him* ...And if they ever find out that you're the murderer...tell them that I...ask you to. Promise me that... *Grip his hands*

Angelo: (...It made me feel even more guilty than ever...I...I hate to kill someone like him...) I...I have to apologize to you in advance. I hate doing this to someone like you...but...

Vladimir: *Shake his head* ... It's okay. If...I can be free from him...even though it'll make everyone sad...I have to do it. You promise to make sure that I'll survive right...?

Angelo: *Nod* ...I promise.

Vladimir: ...Then I'll put my faith in you.

Angelo: ...However, there is something I have to tell you. Don't ever let your nephew wander alone...my workers...are not very good people.

Vladimir: ......... *Sigh silently* ...If anything happens to Xenon....I...no...we will never forgive them and do whatever we want once we get his hands on them. Be prepared for the worst...promise me that you won't be that man. If you break it... you'll know what's gonna happen...

Angelo: *Gulp* (...Never angered a chill person...) ...I promise.

Vladimir: Good.



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