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"Pregnant" the the pregnancy test read and that was the 5th test. I wasn't sure how I felt the last time I was pregnant I had a miscarriage .I guess I was afraid something would go wrong, I don't think I could go through that again. I had gotten up alone in bed, I was disappointed but then I remembered, so I rushed in the bathroom. I sat on the toilet seat crying tears of shock if that was even a thing."babygirl." xav called.

I feel like I'm in twilight breaking dawn right now ,ok that's a little too specific but you know that scene where bella finds out she is pregnant after throwing up that's me minus the throwing up part. Here comes my edward."are you?" xavier said as he came in the bathroom and saw the pregnancy test on the ground."I gave him the stick not knowing what to say.

"are you alright." xav said kneeling before me."yeah" I said looking at him. was I really ,I was scared that part was sure, I was happy that I got a chance to be a mother again." we're going to be okay." xav said wiping away a tear from my face.

I sat on the coach watching twilight breaking dawn crying while eating ice cream I was a literal mess. cris was looking at me as if I was crazy I probably looked the part. xavier had some business to deal with so he left me with cris. well more like threatened him and I quote "watch her and give her whatever she wants if I come back and I find one scratch on her your dead."

" this is so stupid." cris said looking at the tv. "shut the fuck up."I said throwing a pillow at him. "what did I do." he said raising his hands. "you should know better than to say that to a pregnant women." I said as I ate more ice cream, chocolate my favorite. "wait, your pregnant, how." he said staring and my little bump. "well when a woman and a man __" I said but was interrupted by cris."I get it ,I get it, yall are good for each other, boss must have one good dic___" cris said right before I throwed a pillow at him.

" ahh" I screamed as I ran from cris who was trying to hit me with the same pillow I hit him with, He caught me soon though."cris don't do this." I said laughing. "too late." he said throwing the pillow at me. suddenly I started to cry, he really hit me with the pillow.

"Im sorry."cris said at that moment I grabbed the pillow then I hit him.We laughed together, this was nice I needed this, this rush of joy. I smiled, "thanks" I said as we lied on the floor. "for what." cris said." for everything really your good friend cris." i said smiling. "well your welcome." he said.

" oh I forgot we're having a party tomorrow." I said."I know boss told me." he said. "oh, so what do you think."I said getting up. "well I think its a good idea, you know cheer everybody up plus I need to get laid, well some new pus____"I covered his mouth before he could finish." your disgusting" I said smiling. removing my hand. 

"you love me." he said."I do" I said, and I did, he was a good friend. I hugged him smiling I'm glad I had someone like cris in my life. "hey guys." Jessica said. "Jessica " I screamed as I hugged her .I never realized how I missed Jessica ,it seemed like its been forever since I saw her.

"hey, what you guys doing." Jessica said. "nothing much really." I said stepping back. "we were talking about the party, and how I'm going to get turnt up" cris said smiling. "sad I wont be able to drink, ah well life of a pregnant woman." I said as I rubbed my belly."wait, your pregnant ." Jessica said looking at me. "yep,I found out today actually." I said. "congratulations ,that's great." Jessica said.

" I should probably go before you guys start crying, or whatever you girls do." cris said heading out. I took up a pillow and throwed it at cris head."oww"he shouted, but left the room.

"so how are you." I asked Jessica as I took a seat on the couch. "I'm okay, I'm the one that should be asking that question." she said taking a seat beside me. "honestly I'm scared." I said looking at my hands. "of what." Jessica. "just, I'm not sure if I'd be a good mother, I can barely call myself a good person. After I had a miscarriage I felt life my life shattered, it was the worst day of my life .I just don't want to go through that again." I said, great I was crying again. I was so damn emotional. "its going to okay." Jessica said hugging me. I was a mess, plus I missed xavier. pathethic I know, stupid harmones.

yours truly

My one and only poison

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