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" ugghh " I groaned my head was killing me , I felt awful. I know it's sounds weird but I embraced the pain. I had this voice in my head telling me I deserved it.I didn't feel like getting up,I couldn't find the strength in me to get up ,or talk to anybody. I just wanted to sleep .  I knew xav was going to try to talk to me but I didn't want to talk to anybody.

Right now , I just wanted to go to the gym and work out some of my pent up anger on the punching back while I imagine it's the person's that killed dean .I got up and headed to the bathroom, I didn't bother looking in the mirror, I knew I looked awful and I didn't need a mirror to confirm that, I slowly stripped out of my clothes and stepped in the shower. I closed my eyes, I saw flashes of dean's face in my mind ,it hurt so much to think about him.

After I was finished I headed downstairs,  I had checked my phone .I had a lot of miss calls from harry. I couldn't talk to  him right now, I'm kind of regretting getting so close to him in the first place. I got close to dean and look what happened to him ,I couldn't do that to harry.I couldn't live with myself if something were to happen to him because of me.

" how are you. " Jessica said to me as I entered the kitchen.There were a lot of people in the kitchen most of them I didn't know. "I'm ok" I whispered, I cleared my throat, I sounded awful.

I poured myself  some coffee, I didn't really see xav, I wondered where he was, probably out killing somebody. ,not caring to see how I was doing. you know what fuck him.

"  she is just some gold digging slut. "I hear a girl say. I payed no attention to it and continued to drink my coffee. "I mean she isn't that fucking pretty, just a low down dirty whore, don't worry she will be gone soon and then I can have xavier all to myself. " she continued. I squeezed my hands shut, don't let theses motherfucking bitches get you mad vee, keep calm drink your coffee, I told myself, just ignore them .

"I mean look at her , she can't even protect herself ,how much more of us got to die before she learns to throw a punch. Poor dean ,didn't even see it coming. "She said laughing.

That did it, maybe I could ignoring being called a slut , and whore but I  wasn't going sit here while they disrespected dean like that in front of everyone who the fuck did they think they were."what the fuck did you just say to me bitch. "I said getting up and throwing my coffee cup on the ground resulting in it breaking.

Everybody gasped and turned to looks at me.I guess they didn't think I would say anything" you heard me "she said ." You know what I'm just going to ignore that comment cause I'm feeling kind ,but if you ever disrespect me like that I'm going to put a bullet in your head, bitch." I said then walking away.

As I was walking past plastic barbie or whatever the fuck her name was I  heard her say bitch , you know what fuck it I thought. I was going  to be kind but sometimes you just got to put a bitch in her place  and that's exactly  what I did,

" My nose "she said holding her face, she smacked me across my face , I saw red , wrong move bitch I  thought all that pent up anger was released. I jumped on her ,knocking us  both to the ground as I punched and punched .I didn't stop when her face was bloody nor did I stop when my hands started to hurt. She was going to pay for what she said . I didn't stop and nobody tried to stop me ." let me go "I screamed as I felt someone pulling me away I trashed against their hold .

"what the fuck is going on "I heard xav shout as he entered the kitchen. " I continued to trash against the person holding me the person finally let me go I was going to go over to the bitch ,but xav blocked me."what the fuck is your problem ." You need to get your fucking gang in check ,"I screamed back by now everybody was looking at us eager to see who was boos. I wasn't backing down and neither was Xavier

My One And Only Poison (18+)-undergoing major editing.Where stories live. Discover now