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" I need you to do something for me Rosa " he said, gripping my arm , " I would like for you to marry my son Xavier ." " what I said as I felt my heart speeding up . " you heard what I said Rosa I don't like to repeat myself you are going to marry my son" staring at me with the most intimidating eyes I ever seen . My breathing became shallow I started to panic ." Calm down Rosa nothing is going to happen to you , I promise. " breathing in and out I started to calm down. " what .. do y..ou mean I have to marry your son " I stuttered I felt nauseous I just wanted to go home . " my son Xavier, I feel it's time for him to settle down and start a family , we need a heir to the muerte gang ".

" why me I said " as I struggled to control myself from having a panic attack. " in due time my Rosa " he said taking my hand in his . I stared at it not blinking tears spilled out of my eyes I knew I wouldn't see my family again . " come let's go meet your fiancé " he said pulling my hand .

I barely remember much after that I felt like I was drowning. My body felt numb ." Rosa" I heard as I felt someone pulling my hand . I looked up to see the familiar blue eyes " I gasped " I didn't know that he was talking about xav all this time. I'm such an idiot I thought, cursing myself mentally . " father " he said , his voice sounded angelic I stared at him . Even though I was scared out of my mind I had to admit he looked and sounded perfect . "Rosa" I heard as I was pulled out of my thoughts . " hello again baby girl " he said kissing my hand with a devilish smirk on his face .
My face burned I knew he saw me checking him out I was sure I looked like a tomato by now ." I'll allow you too to get to get better acquainted with each other" I heard the man say as he left .

" are you just going to stand their and stare at me , baby girl " Xav said smirking ." No " I said as I ripped my hands out of his . "Feisty" he said as he walked over to his desk " do you know why you are here " he said sitting down. " Listen here you dick you either let me go now or I swear I'll tell the police everything I heard " I shouted as I hot so frustrated with his smirk. One minute he was in the chair the next he had ,me pressed against the wall with his hand around my neck ." What the fuck did you just say baby girl " he said as he squeezed my neck and pressed his body against mine ." N... otjindg " I choked out as I clawed at his hand . " I thought so , you see baby girl I fucking own you you breath cause I want you to breath you are alive because of me so the next time you want to open your mouth and fucking disrespect me I'll fuck that little pussy so hard then I would put a bullet through your head. You understand me baby girl " he said squeezing my neck tighter . I nodded frantically as tears came to ,my eyes " please " I managed to choke  put as if I the as if was going to past out any minute now .

I gasped for air as he let go my neck I was sure if I looked at it I would see finger prints.
. " now that we have that cleared up, my father wants us to be married by next week you are to do a dress fitting tomorrow . " he said taking off his tie and unbuttoning two buttons. I nodded as tears ran down my face

My One And Only Poison (18+)-undergoing major editing.Where stories live. Discover now